St Thomas Fifth Avenue NYC

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    A short Communion Service after Evensong has been standard practice at St T's for years.


    • omega consort
      Full Member
      • Sep 2013
      • 37

      [QUOTE=Keraulophone;727408]I attended Evensong at St Thomas, 5th Ave on Thursday 21st Feb, their last full choir service before the half-term break.

      By coincidence Keraulophone, I was there two days before you! Same introit, Dyson in F and an anthem by Copland - can't remember what it was called. Communion followed the office on this day too. The choir were really good but I was most put off by having a collection plate almost thrust under my nose during the anthem. It does seem a most odd place in the service to take a collection. I started a thread on Facebook in the "Choral Evensong Appreciation Society Group" which raised many responses; most Brits felt as I did, and most Americans in the group thought it absolutely fine!


      • Keraulophone
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 2015

        [QUOTE=omega consort;728795]
        Originally posted by Keraulophone View Post
        Dyson in F ... I was most put off by having a collection plate almost thrust under my nose during the anthem.
        A pity I didn’t get Dyson in F, for which I have a very soft spot, instead of the Ireland. I was ready for the collection, having noticed its timing on the service card. What slightly irks me, including the many signs and notices around the building asking for funds from punters, is that this must be one of the wealthiest churches within the Anglican communion. There are more billionaires within those environs than anywhere else on earth, but maybe none of them go to church. I am unreliably informed that the assistant organist/ADoM’s salary is c.$140k (a figure disputed by my boss) and that of the DoM is an unknown world record, though it’s not stopping him leaving; which brings me onto the Rector, whose income in earnings and in kind combined, must be way above what he received as Precentor of Exeter. I placed my dollars onto the large plate and tuned back into the glorious anthem, thankful that a place like this even exists west of the Atlantic.

        My week in NYC identified its obvious traits - biggest, wealthiest, costliest and brashest; but a friendly, welcoming, cosmopolitan, multi-faceted and strangely beguiling city.


        • mopsus
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 864

          I believe the really wealthy church in those parts is Trinity Church in Wall Street, thanks to its ownership of some very valuable land and the rent it can claim on what has been built on it.


          • Miles Coverdale
            Late Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 639

            Originally posted by omega consort View Post
            I started a thread on Facebook in the "Choral Evensong Appreciation Society Group" which raised many responses; most Brits felt as I did, and most Americans in the group thought it absolutely fine!
            My impression, having been on a number of tours to the US with different cathedral choirs, is that Americans are far more comfortable talking about (and asking for) money than we are. It is not uncommon for congregations there to tithe, in the literal sense of giving 10% of their disposable income to their church. This may explain why some US churches are in a position to pay their musicians six-figure salaries but English cathedrals seem perpetually to be in financial straits of varying degrees of direness. Go figure, as they might say over there.
            My boxes are positively disintegrating under the sheer weight of ticks. Ed Reardon


            • Pulcinella
              • Feb 2014
              • 11384

              Like omega consort, I think I would have been 'put off' by the collection plate being passed around during the anthem: somewhat disrespectful to the choir and the role of the music, I would suggest.
              OK during a hymn, or more discreetly at the entrance, but not during the anthem.

              I have only once been to St Thomas, many years ago, on a Sunday morning; I forget now if for sung morning prayer (if they do/did it) or communion, or both, but I do remember the congregation and especially the ushers (churchwardens?) being incredibly well dressed!
              The music was pretty good too.


              • Wolsey
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 419

                For those who are late to the party, the choir of King's College, Cambridge have been on tour to the USA, and are in New York city this weekend. In addition to their recital in Saint Thomas Church on Monday 1 April, they are singing evensong with the Saint Thomas choir today (Sunday). The link is here.


                • DracoM
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 13027

                  Howells Vol was far and away the best thing for me.
                  And as for that 'sermon'...........? Crikey!

                  Pity relatively few in the congregation seemed to be listening to the Vol - judging by the talk on the sound relay!!

