Choral Evensong: Wed, Nov 15th 2017

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  • Vox Humana
    Full Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 1263

    Originally posted by mw963 View Post
    I rather assumed that VH was referring to the general programmes on the Third/Radio 3, not to Choral Evensong, which as you rightly say wasn't on the station until the 1970s.
    Thank you. Yes, that's correct - and, as subcontrabass pointed out, Choral Evensong still isn't the responsibility of Radio 3. I was just bemoaning the fact that the station isn't what it was in days of yore. My own gripe is the marginalisation of the sort of imaginative Medieval and Renaissance music programming that Denis Stevens initiated back in the days of the Third Programme and which obtained into the '70s at least. I don't particularly blame the BBC for this. If you haven't got the money, you can't make the programmes.


    • Roger Judd
      Full Member
      • Apr 2012
      • 237

      In an article about Choral Evensong, Stephen Shipley quoted from the BBC website '... an atmosphere of great stillness when people are uplifted by the sheer beauty of choral singing. The heritage of the English choral tradition is unique and it’s greatly valued. Throughout weekly broadcasts, hundreds of thousands can share this unparalleled experience.’ I think that some time, long ago, the idea was that the listener at home should be eaves-dropping into a service that was going on regardless of who was present. I used to say to the choristers I was training that it didn't matter whether there were three people in the congregation or one hundred, the performance has to be of the highest standard because only the best was good enough for the Almighty. I know that this is a tenet held by all music directors. If the BBC is going to resort to increased use of commercially available recordings, or even archive recordings of earlier broadcasts, this ceases to be a dropping in on a 'normal / regular' act of worship.
      Someone up-thread asked who to write to: Philip Billson is BBC Series Producer for Choral Evensong. Another useful voice is Roger Bolton of Radio 4's Feedback. The present trend for using archive / commercial recordings must not / should not go unchallenged, even if it is only a temporary one.


      • french frank
        • Feb 2007
        • 30820

        Originally posted by Roger Judd View Post
        Someone up-thread asked who to write to: Philip Billson is BBC Series Producer for Choral Evensong.
        The formula is

        Another useful voice is Roger Bolton of Radio 4's Feedback. The present trend for using archive / commercial recordings must not / should not go unchallenged, even if it is only a temporary one.
        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


        • ardcarp
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 11102

          Originally posted by subcontrabass View Post
          In the days of the Third Programme, Choral Evensong was on the Home Service.
          ...and if I recall correctly, twice a week, Wednesday and Friday.

          In an article about Choral Evensong, Stephen Shipley quoted from the BBC website '... an atmosphere of great stillness when people are uplifted by the sheer beauty of choral singing. The heritage of the English choral tradition is unique and it’s greatly valued. Throughout weekly broadcasts, hundreds of thousands can share this unparalleled experience.’ I think that some time, long ago, the idea was that the listener at home should be eaves-dropping into a service that was going on regardless of who was present. I used to say to the choristers I was training that it didn't matter whether there were three people in the congregation or one hundred, the performance has to be of the highest standard because only the best was good enough for the Almighty. I know that this is a tenet held by all music directors. If the BBC is going to resort to increased use of commercially available recordings, or even archive recordings of earlier broadcasts, this ceases to be a dropping in on a 'normal / regular' act of worship.
          Well said, Roger.


          • subcontrabass
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 2780

            Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
            ...and if I recall correctly, twice a week, Wednesday and Friday.
            No, that was later when the programme had transferred to Radio 3. The Friday broadcasrs were always pre-recorded, partly to encourage more adventurous repertoire.


            • ardcarp
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 11102

              Yes, you're right. How about settling for that arrangement on Weds and recorded (NOT the same service) on Friday?


              • subcontrabass
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 2780

                Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                Yes, you're right. How about settling for that arrangement on Weds and recorded (NOT the same service) on Friday?
                In terms of costing, it would be reasonable economical if they followed the previous practice. My late mother was, for a time, robe-mistress for a cathedral choir. She told me that the recording for a future (i.e. several months ahead) Friday broadcast was done alongside a live Wednesday broadcast.


                • mw963
                  Full Member
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 538

                  Well done Roger! Couldn't agree more.


                  • DracoM
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 13027

                    Originally posted by subcontrabass View Post
                    In terms of costing, it would be reasonable economical if they followed the previous practice. My late mother was, for a time, robe-mistress for a cathedral choir. She told me that the recording for a future (i.e. several months ahead) Friday broadcast was done alongside a live Wednesday broadcast.
                    Yes, I can confirm that that happened back when in a local foundation.


                    • mw963
                      Full Member
                      • Feb 2012
                      • 538

                      Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                      Yes, you're right. How about settling for that arrangement on Weds and recorded (NOT the same service) on Friday?
                      And it shouldn't be beyond their wit at some venues to kill two birds with one stone, ie do a live and a recording with the same crew, saving the recording for a few months for later broadcast. OK, quite pressured for the musical team, but do-able I would have thought, particularly if, at those cathedrals with both choirs, the boys did one and the girls the other. There was a time when Sunday Worship was occasionally done from the same venue as the previous Wednesday's Choral Evensong methinks....?
                      Last edited by mw963; 16-11-17, 18:21.


                      • DracoM
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 13027

                        Still is from time to time.


                        • jonfan
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 1475

                          I just wonder if 'dropping in' on the Sunday repeat of a live broadcast from the previous Wednesday is somehow less fullfilling for the listener because it's not live. Not for me it isn't.
                          The view on these boards that things were better in the past I strongly disagree with and Alan Davey should be rightly proud of the service he oversees. All the BBC orchestras, and BBC Chorus, have never been finer; the New Generation Artist scheme brings on exciting new players and the presenters show enthusiam for the music they are presenting, in contrast to the gloomy detatchment of past effrorts.


                          • mw963
                            Full Member
                            • Feb 2012
                            • 538

                            Well each to their own jonfan, but I'm afraid your view of the "old" Radio 3 is very different to mine, and I would describe the current effort as flakey, superficial, and cheap. As a matter of interest (and this is not a loaded question, just out of interest, and I hope you don't mind my asking), when did you start listening to Radio 3? I'm just trying to gauge your "era" as it were...... Please don't answer if you'd rather not....


                            • jonfan
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 1475

                              Originally posted by mw963 View Post
                              Well each to their own jonfan, but I'm afraid your view of the "old" Radio 3 is very different to mine, and I would describe the current effort as flakey, superficial, and cheap. As a matter of interest (and this is not a loaded question, just out of interest, and I hope you don't mind my asking), when did you start listening to Radio 3? I'm just trying to gauge your "era" as it were...... Please don't answer if you'd rather not....
                              Well I’m from the era of the Third Programme when it started each day about 7pm I think. The Home Service carried most classical music. When the Schools’ morning service had finished about 9.30 there was usually a chamber or solo recital. The standard of the in-house orchestras was rough in the extreme and the announcers read what was in front of them like automatons. Give me Tom Service any day. The exceptions I remember were Antony Hopkins, Alec Robertson and Hans Keller. Come on you must admit standards are much higher now and BBC musicians can stand comparison with the best in the world.


                              • ardcarp
                                Late member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 11102

                                I wonder if we've wandered off the point slightly? I suppose it's what we do on here.

