If you were a DoM, what would you pick for your broadcast?

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  • AscribeUntoTheLad
    • Mar 2025

    If you were a DoM, what would you pick for your broadcast?

    What music, that is....
  • muticus

    Enough. enough - can we have a seperate board for these 'fantasy league' threads?


    • AscribeUntoTheLad

      What, because these boards are too busy for you? Two threads have been posted on today. And one of them was this thread.


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38194

        What, precisely, is a DoM? I've heard of bondage...


        • french frank
          • Feb 2007
          • 30818

          What a disappointing response to a new member . I mean, disappointing to me - he may not care much ...
          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


          • Pianorak
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 3129

            Would have helped to spell out DoM - Even Google failed to enlighten me.
            My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)


            • David Underdown

              Director of Music - fairly common currency on this board and its predecessors. I'm not sure how to go about answering the question - surely much depends on when the broadcast is within the liturgical year?


              • Lizzie
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 299

                Originally posted by AscribeUntoTheLad View Post
                What, because these boards are too busy for you? Two threads have been posted on today. And one of them was this thread.
                Hello Ascribe and welcome to the Forum!
                As David says below, it would depend for me on which season of the year was being celebrated and what musical resource one had at one's disposal... However, one particular piece that I have an especial fondness for is, The Souls of the Righteous ... by Geraint Lewis, or anything by Philip Moore, or James MacMillan. I'm particularly moved by New Song every time I hear it. Much though most would disagree with me on this Board, for a choir of more limited resource, I like John Rutter's works...! I enjoy singing them too!
                All best wishes. Liz


                • ardcarp
                  Late member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 11102

                  Dear Ascribe....

                  Indeed, french frank was right to point out that we haven't made you very welcome. So WELCOME Just ignore muticus...this isn't a fantasy thread at all. For all any of us know, you might be appointed to a DoM's post any minute.

                  May I be the first person to take the question seriously?

                  Ascribe unto the Lord. No, not Wesley; John Travers. Nice tenor solo at the start, and belonging to a slightly unfashionable corner of the repertory that needs more airing.


                  • ardcarp
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 11102

                    ...oh well, the second person. Lizzie beat me to it.


                    • Lizzie
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 299

                      Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                      ...oh well, the second person. Lizzie beat me to it.
                      And Ardcarp knows I would forgive him just about anything!


                      • DracoM
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 13027

                        A lot depends too on the choir's expertise and even on the acoustic?

                        Howells St Paul's Service might be up there near the top of my canticles list
                        Other possibles:
                        Introit: O Sacrum Convivium / Messiaen
                        Anthem: MacMillan 'New Song' or a host of others. Too tricky to choose.
                        Marian feastdays: deffo Parsons / Ave Maria.


                        • Y Mab Afradlon
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 153

                          I would like to take this seriously - My broadcast will be from a small provincial cathedral in Wales within the octave of the Feat of St David. With the modest resources at my disposal I wouldn't attempt any of the big Howells services like Coll Reg Sancti Pauli etc nor would i go for a huge anthem.
                          How about this ( ........ with some references to Welsh composers)
                          Introit - Lord for thy tender mercies sake - Hilton in the Welsh translation George used on March 1st in John's.
                          Responses - Thomas Tomkins - born in St David's the best of the four Tudor settings
                          Mathias - Jesus Service - very underated in my opinion
                          Anthem (could be as Lizzie has already mentioned) - Geraint Lewis The souls of the righteous

                          I thank you ......


                          • Magnificat

                            Very difficult to choose but I've had a go at a selection for no particular season of the Church's year including some of my favourite pieces for a lovely reflective service that would be beautifully sung at St Albans where I worship most frequently and whose choir I know best. Here goes:

                            Introit: A Prayer of King Henry V1 - Ley. ( Beautiful words )

                            Responses: Ayleward or Byrd

                            Psalm 84 Armstrong ( This chant always has me in tears )

                            Canticles: Gibbons Short or Gibbons Second Services ( depending on the quality of the boy soloists for the latter )

                            Anthem: Rejoice In The Lord Alway - Purcell or Redford ( My favourite passage from the Bible )

                            Hymn: The Duteous Day Now Closeth - Innsbruck ( Lovely tune and sung at Mother's funeral service )

                            Organ Voluntary: No great knowledge of the organ or repertoire but would prefer a nice gentle Fantasia or similar piece to end a meditative service such as this evensong which would be spoilt by a great booming voluntary ( how often this happens and why do organists do this? )

                            Well, there you have it. I've tried anyway!



                            • muticus

                              My apologies - welcome, welcome- you are right- I was being churlish - my only excuse being a bad day...
                              May I make amends?

                              CE in the Octave of the Acension.

                              Introit - Phillips - Ascendit Deus
                              Responses - Smith
                              Psalms of the day in full.
                              Office Hymn - O Christ our joy (mode viii)
                              Byrd - Great Service
                              Anthem - Gibbons - God is Gone Up
                              Final Hymn - Eternal Monarch (Gonfalon Royal)
                              Voluntary - L'Ascension - Messiaen

                              Might I be forgiven?

