I've had a couple of takers for the Salisbury Girls recording; I assume there's no other interest and I shall therefore take it down shortly. However, if anyone wants it it'll still be there for the next twenty-four hours, and if for any reason you don't want to contact me personally you can I'm sure drop dear ardcarp a PM, as he has details of the recording's whereabouts on the internet.
But what a plunge into the archives - I'm just listening to St John's Christopher Robinson Advent 1995, hanging on (just) on digital Sony F1 PCM video-tape. Which probably doesn't mean much to the non-technical, but the Sony F1 PCM system was used by the BBC from c 1985 - c 1990, along with BT vision links, to bring virtually every broadcast Evensong from the OB site back to London Control Room.
But what a plunge into the archives - I'm just listening to St John's Christopher Robinson Advent 1995, hanging on (just) on digital Sony F1 PCM video-tape. Which probably doesn't mean much to the non-technical, but the Sony F1 PCM system was used by the BBC from c 1985 - c 1990, along with BT vision links, to bring virtually every broadcast Evensong from the OB site back to London Control Room.