What's your least favourite cathedral?

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  • bull-scheidt
    • Mar 2025

    What's your least favourite cathedral?

    This is inspired by the other thread, but I'm far too miserable to comment on that one.
  • MrGongGong
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 18357

    I'm not keen on this one

    "Cathedral Song"Single by Tanita Tikaramfrom the album Ancient HeartA-sideCathedral SongB-sideSighing Innocents, Fireflies In The Kitchen, Lets Make Everybod...


    • muticus

      Hum, not happy to go down this route - bit like who is your least favourite child....


      • Eine Alpensinfonie
        • Nov 2010
        • 20590

        I really don't see the point of negative threads.


        • Norfolk Born

          I was never fond of Cathedral cheese, if that helps. :cool2:


          • Eine Alpensinfonie
            • Nov 2010
            • 20590

            Originally posted by Ofcachap View Post
            I was never fond of Cathedral cheese, if that helps. :cool2:
            Now I really like that. Wonderful texture.


            • bull-scheidt

              Well, lots of the posts on the other thread are negative in some way, whether they complain about the dampness of Chichester or Llandaff's Epstein...I thought this would be a good place to separate them out.


              • Norfolk Born

                I reserve the right to like, or dislike, the new cathedral in Barcelona (a) if they ever finish it and (b) somebody agrees to pay any reasonable expenses I may incur in going to inspect it before posting my views on this thread (if it's still running). And, although I DO wish they hadn't built Paddy's Wigwam at the top of a hill, it's well worth the walk!


                • Eine Alpensinfonie
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20590

                  It's remarkable how long it can take to build some cathedrals. The one in Madrid has been years in the making, and Liverpool (Anglican) Cathedral lay incomplete for many decades, whereas the Metropolitan (R.C.) cathedral was built in an instant.


                  • vinteuil
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 13197

                    Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                    It's remarkable how long it can take to build some cathedrals. The one in Madrid has been years in the making, and Liverpool (Anglican) Cathedral lay incomplete for many decades, whereas the Metropolitan (R.C.) cathedral was built in an instant.
                    ... yes. And Westminster Cathedral I think still is trying to raise funds to 'complete' the interior with the planned marble surfacings (tho' I have to say I rather prefer the Piranesian stock-brick arches like those in underground tunnels).

                    Query - has the instigator of this thread decided not to declare his hand? - or is he just wanting to provoke?


                    • Panjandrum

                      This one takes a lot of beating.


                      • prokkyshosty

                        Originally posted by Panjandrum View Post
                        This one takes a lot of beating.
                        Panjandrum, looks like your friend there has a cousin in Los Angeles:

                        Often called "Our Lady of the 101" due to the extensive view of the freeway traffic from the courtyard.


                        • Miles Coverdale
                          Late Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 639

                          Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                          It's remarkable how long it can take to build some cathedrals. The one in Madrid has been years in the making, and Liverpool (Anglican) Cathedral lay incomplete for many decades, whereas the Metropolitan (R.C.) cathedral was built in an instant.
                          And has been leaking ever since.
                          My boxes are positively disintegrating under the sheer weight of ticks. Ed Reardon


                          • Don Basilio
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 320

                            Of proper medieval English cathedrals, Rochester, by a long way - even without knowledge of the previous bishop.

                            Westminster Cathedral is wonderful. I went on a tour there with one of the priests and he was hoping they would complete the mosaics, but I think the main part (not the side chapels) would be spoiled. Many years ago I went to evening classes in the centre nearby and would go in the cathedral of a winter evening. The way the roof was invisible in the darkness was awesome.

                            With parish churches turned cathedrals (Birmingham, Derby, Chelmsford, Sheffield, etc) I always want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but they are just not the same. Derby was OK considering. Southwark is fine. Leicester, as I remember, as dreary.


                            • muticus

                              Umm, one might have to disagree a little with Prokkyshosty - LA is a much finer building than M'sbruff - which seems to be the standard issue kit-form (even though 'architect designed') successor to the 'tin tabernacle'. I do agree though, the lack of scale, and by extension lack of vision of these buildings is depressing.

                              ''To praise Almighty God in stone,
                              They built a splendid Abbey,
                              But thinking they might cheat the Lord,
                              They built the back part shabby''

