I am getting quite cheesed off about this. Mrs A and I do quite a bit of 'bumping up' sundry choirs, singing in ad hoc groups and so on. Time was when a nice fat envelope would arrive in the post with proper (i.e. paid for) copies inside. Now it is all too common to get an email attachment
(presumablyy of illegally-made photocopies) which we are expected to print off, hole-punch and stick in a folder. Usually we just do one rehearsal...to which we turn up expecting that maybe some real copies will be on hand. But no. The whole choir is singing from hole-punched photocopies.
I object on two grounds:
1. If the music is still in copyright (which is usually the case) aren't we doing someone out of a fee?
2. Why should we be gobbling up our printer ink?
Is this phenomenon now pretty much universal?
(presumablyy of illegally-made photocopies) which we are expected to print off, hole-punch and stick in a folder. Usually we just do one rehearsal...to which we turn up expecting that maybe some real copies will be on hand. But no. The whole choir is singing from hole-punched photocopies.
I object on two grounds:
1. If the music is still in copyright (which is usually the case) aren't we doing someone out of a fee?
2. Why should we be gobbling up our printer ink?
Is this phenomenon now pretty much universal?