CE St David's Cathedral 1st June 2011

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    CE St David's Cathedral 1st June 2011

    CE St David's Cathedral
    On the Eve of the Ascension

    Order of Service:

    Introit: Jubilate Deo (David Briggs)
    Responses: Clucas
    Psalms: 15, 24 (Hurford, Barnby)
    First Lesson: 2 Samuel 23: 1-5
    Office Hymn: The head that once was crowned with thorns (St Magnus)
    Canticles: Noble in B minor
    Second Lesson: Colossians 2: 20 – 3:4
    Anthem: God is gone up (Finzi)
    Hymn: Eternal Monarch, King most high (Gonfalon Royal)

    Organ Voluntary: Chorale-Improvisation on 'Der Hölle Pforten sind zerstört' (Karg-Elert)

    Simon Pearce (Assistant Organist)
    Alexander Mason (Organist & Master of the Choristers)
  • muticus

    What a cracker - Noble in b and God is Gone up. Not to mention the forum's professed desire for more Morning Canticles being fulfilled. I look forward to it muchly.....


    • decantor
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 521

      Liked it. I'm ever surprised that a tiny city like St David's can field a choir such as we heard today - and they have several other choirs up their sleeve too, apparently: it must be because they are so close to Wales. I had to smile during the Jubilate - typically Briggs, a florid organ accompaniment to a straightforward setting..... good fun, though. I enjoyed the stately Noble and the triumphant Finzi; the whole service had a fine communal-spiritual feel, and was tellingly bookended by the organist. Many thanks to all concerned, and best wishes for the rest of the Festival.


      • DracoM
        • Mar 2007
        • 13027

        Briggs was a big sing to start the service, Noble canticles were clear, nicely disciplined, and the Finzi suitably celebratory. Fresh top line tone, and enthusaistic support below. Briskly done all round.

