I've been asked to act over a few posts which seem to have developed into exchanges between warring factions. It's a well known fact that tempers become frayed at Christmas, even in the best families and The Choir has no reputation for being one of the 'best families' at any time of year.
As I see it there are faults on both sides, and I have no chance of pleasing anyone by saying so, but I do take the responsibility of moderation seriously and I have tried to do it with as soft a touch as I can in the face of uncalled for aggression from a few people across the whole forum. As I am planning not to be involved with the forum for very much longer I can afford to speak out.
To one side I would say, less carping about the Usual Suspects would be welcome.
To the other side, often closely involved as practising participants, if you can't stand the heat - get out of the kitchen.
I now have to go out and will deal with the fall-out when I return.
As I see it there are faults on both sides, and I have no chance of pleasing anyone by saying so, but I do take the responsibility of moderation seriously and I have tried to do it with as soft a touch as I can in the face of uncalled for aggression from a few people across the whole forum. As I am planning not to be involved with the forum for very much longer I can afford to speak out.
To one side I would say, less carping about the Usual Suspects would be welcome.
To the other side, often closely involved as practising participants, if you can't stand the heat - get out of the kitchen.
I now have to go out and will deal with the fall-out when I return.