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  • french frank
    • Feb 2007
    • 30818


    I've been asked to act over a few posts which seem to have developed into exchanges between warring factions. It's a well known fact that tempers become frayed at Christmas, even in the best families and The Choir has no reputation for being one of the 'best families' at any time of year.

    As I see it there are faults on both sides, and I have no chance of pleasing anyone by saying so, but I do take the responsibility of moderation seriously and I have tried to do it with as soft a touch as I can in the face of uncalled for aggression from a few people across the whole forum. As I am planning not to be involved with the forum for very much longer I can afford to speak out.

    To one side I would say, less carping about the Usual Suspects would be welcome.

    To the other side, often closely involved as practising participants, if you can't stand the heat - get out of the kitchen.

    I now have to go out and will deal with the fall-out when I return.
    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
  • Mr Stoat

    I am sick of the regular KCC / SC "bashing" and no longer wish to play any part in this forum. If I knew how to leave the membership I would...


    • DracoM
      • Mar 2007
      • 13027

      Originally posted by french frank View Post
      I've been asked to act over a few posts which seem to have developed into exchanges between warring factions. It's a well known fact that tempers become frayed at Christmas, even in the best families and The Choir has no reputation for being one of the 'best families' at any time of year.

      As I see it there are faults on both sides, and I have no chance of pleasing anyone by saying so, but I do take the responsibility of moderation seriously and I have tried to do it with as soft a touch as I can in the face of uncalled for aggression from a few people across the whole forum. As I am planning not to be involved with the forum for very much longer I can afford to speak out.

      To one side I would say, less carping about the Usual Suspects would be welcome.

      To the other side, often closely involved as practising participants, if you can't stand the heat - get out of the kitchen.

      I now have to go out and will deal with the fall-out when I return.



      • Cockney Sparrow
        Full Member
        • Jan 2014
        • 2304

        Following posts on the forum for any length of time, it becomes evident there are opposing camps and well developed personal antipathies. And I suppose those who are involved may well find themselves falling into angry, disrespectful and on occasion offensive posts. And I find it slightly humorous when some of those posters want to say they are mightily offended, and don't want to participate.

        I have refrained from comment about the BBC Singers on the latest occasion, and although to my mind the glory years of KCC are in the past, I don't have strong enough opinions to express. And I appreciate for the professional musicians involved, the issue is important - the quality of their work, and their standing in their profession (but not I'm sure as a direct result of comment here). And they are very skilled and serious musicians and they (or the result of their efforts) should not lightly be criticised.

        But the problem for me is that if we are not allowed to comment adversely, then it becomes a case of the Emperors New Clothes. All that will be available will be opinions, analyses and publicity which avoid pointing out that things are not as good as they could or should be. In the case of the BBCS, it seems to me that a decision has been made that they are to be promoted heavily across the BBC (as far as possible) and there will be no countervailing view.

        I recognise its not pleasant for moderators/forum owners to be asked to exercise judgement in these cases and they must think there could be better uses for their time. But at the end of the day I think we should allow both forum members and touchy defenders of these groups to express their opinions whether factual, or resentful, in responses and those who are offended by expression of opinion to say so, or go away as they wish. Goes without saying there is a line to be drawn but unless I have missed something the latest instance is not so high on the scale of incivility (although this is a civilised forum, as they go, in my limited experience).

        Perhaps, FF, you could clear up whether it is possible to delete one's membership (I can't see a way of doing that) and briefly where that facility could be found. Then the offended could get on with it........

        Finally, FF and other moderators - many thanks for the time you spend maintaining, and participating in the forum.
        Last edited by Cockney Sparrow; 23-12-16, 09:17.


        • Alain Maréchal
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 1289

          Originally posted by Cockney Sparrow View Post
          In the case of the BBCS, it seems to me that a decision has been made that they are to be promoted heavily across the BBC (as far as possible) and their will be no countervailing view.
          One might consider that the BBC are trying to get value for money out of them, for which it should be commended.

          From time to time, misunderstanding, I think I have been insulted, and stork off in a hough.* I usually creep back.
          *yes, I know. It is intended as a jockular attempt at pointing out some synchronous idiocies of English spelling.


          • Richard Barrett
            • Jan 2016
            • 6259

            I don't quite see how people can get so worked up about choirs. (I'll get my coat.)


            • W.Kearns
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 141

              FF - truly sorry to hear that you are 'planning not to be involved with the forum for very much longer' and great thanks for your level-headed wisdom of the past. Happy Christmas!


              • underthecountertenor
                Full Member
                • Apr 2011
                • 1587

                Originally posted by Alain Maréchal View Post
                One might consider that the BBC are trying to get value for money out of them, for which it should be commended.

                From time to time, misunderstanding, I think I have been insulted, and stork off in a hough.* I usually creep back.
                *yes, I know. It is intended as a jockular attempt at pointing out some synchronous idiocies of English spelling.
                I have often had cause to adore the way in which various presenters on France Musique have pronounced Stephen Hough's name. It usually comes out as 'Oof'.


                • Old Grumpy
                  Full Member
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 3695

                  Originally posted by Cockney Sparrow View Post

                  Finally, FF and other moderators - many thanks for the time you spend maintaining, and participating in the forum.
                  and felicitations of the season to yous all!



                  • ahinton
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 16123

                    Originally posted by Richard Barrett View Post
                    I don't quite see how people can get so worked up about choirs. (I'll get my coat.)
                    Is that one reason that discourages you from residing in your native land where it seems that quite a few people can and indeed do?


                    • Alain Maréchal
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 1289

                      Originally posted by underthecountertenor View Post
                      I have often had cause to adore the way in which various presenters on France Musique have pronounced Stephen Hough's name. It usually comes out as 'Oof'.
                      I once heard a very aspirated Herf. I am impressed by the presenters on Vlaamse-Radio stations who, unlike my fellow Walloons, usually give impeccable renderings of English names. Try Klara (Klassieke Radio) which is available online.

                      Oh, further, thanks to FF and all Moderators (who always manage to behave Moderately in spite of provocation).

                      This thread has drifted with the current, but part of this forum's attraction is that threads here are like good conversation, they change direction. (Other Forums are available, but we choose to stay here).


                      • ahinton
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 16123

                        Originally posted by Alain Maréchal View Post
                        I once heard a very aspirated Herf. I am impressed by the presenters on Vlaamse-Radio stations who, unlike my fellow Walloons, usually give impeccable renderings of English names. Try Klara (Klassieke Radio) which is available online.
                        But ow might you suppose that zey pronounce "Ferneyhough"?


                        • underthecountertenor
                          Full Member
                          • Apr 2011
                          • 1587

                          Originally posted by ahinton View Post
                          But ow might you suppose that zey pronounce "Ferneyhough"?
                          I imagine, sadly, zat zey rarely ave ze occasion.


                          • underthecountertenor
                            Full Member
                            • Apr 2011
                            • 1587

                            Originally posted by Alain Maréchal View Post
                            I once heard a very aspirated Herf. I am impressed by the presenters on Vlaamse-Radio stations who, unlike my fellow Walloons, usually give impeccable renderings of English names. Try Klara (Klassieke Radio) which is available online.

                            Oh, further, thanks to FF and all Moderators (who always manage to behave Moderately in spite of provocation).

                            This thread has drifted with the current, but part of this forum's attraction is that threads here are like good conversation, they change direction. (Other Forums are available, but we choose to stay here).


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30818

                              Originally posted by Alain Maréchal View Post
                              (Other Forums are available, but we choose to stay here).
                              Quite true. I never understand why people who no longer want to participate don't quietly go away and do something more to their taste. But, for the record, if you wish to have your account physically deleted, you send a PM to the Moderator (me at the moment) or an email (via the Contact button at the bottom of the page), and say that's what you want.

                              As verb. sap. sat, I'll say that any behaviour which is repeated exactly tends to get the exact reaction each time. If you repeat your action, you should not be surprised if you get the same reaction. How one deals with that situation is up to the individual.

                              Meanwhile, I thought you might like to see a photo of where I went this morning. It is the church of St Quiricus & St Julietta in Tickenham, the village where I was brought up, and where my grandparents and father are buried. Tomorrow a performance of Gregorian music by the Wiener Hofburgkapelle (not, they say, a service) in the church is advertised. On CD . Joy and Peace to you all.

                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

