CE St George's Cathedral, Cape Town, South Africa
Wed, 14th Dec 2016
The Cathedral Choir, St George's Singers and Voices of Cape Town
[2005 Archive recording ]
Order of Service:
Responses: Barry Smith
Psalms 137, 138 (Wesley, Knight)
An African Freedom Song
First Lesson: Isaiah 35: 1-10
Office Hymn: Hark a thrilling voice (Merton)
Magnificat (African fauxbourdons arr. Chris Chivers)
Second Lesson: Revelation 21: 9-12,21-25; 22:1-2
Nunc Dimittis (Spiritual arr. John Harper)
Homily: Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Anthem: A Song of Hope (Peter Klatzow)
Final Hymn: Mine eyes have seen the glory (Battle Hymn)
Organ Voluntary: Toccata (Hank Temmingh)
Assistant Organist: Grant Brasler
Directors of Music: Barry Smith and Lungile Jacobs
Wed, 14th Dec 2016
The Cathedral Choir, St George's Singers and Voices of Cape Town
[2005 Archive recording ]
Order of Service:
Responses: Barry Smith
Psalms 137, 138 (Wesley, Knight)
An African Freedom Song
First Lesson: Isaiah 35: 1-10
Office Hymn: Hark a thrilling voice (Merton)
Magnificat (African fauxbourdons arr. Chris Chivers)
Second Lesson: Revelation 21: 9-12,21-25; 22:1-2
Nunc Dimittis (Spiritual arr. John Harper)
Homily: Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Anthem: A Song of Hope (Peter Klatzow)
Final Hymn: Mine eyes have seen the glory (Battle Hymn)
Organ Voluntary: Toccata (Hank Temmingh)
Assistant Organist: Grant Brasler
Directors of Music: Barry Smith and Lungile Jacobs