CE Salisbury Cathedral
Order of Service:
Introit: Holy is the true light (David Halls)
Responses: Radcliffe
Psalms: 15, 16, 96 (Elgar, Musgrove, Harris)
First Lesson: Ecclesiasticus 2: 1-23
Office Hymn: Sing Alleluya forth ye saints on high (Martins)
Canticles: Jesus College Service (Mathias)
Second Lesson: 1 Timothy 6: 11-19
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith (Bullock)
Hymn: With the saints whose stories stir us (Regent Square)
Te Deum in C (Stanford)
Organ Voluntary: Fantasy on 'Babylon's Streams' (Harris)
Daniel Cook (Assistant Director of Music)
David Halls (Director of Music)
Order of Service:
Introit: Holy is the true light (David Halls)
Responses: Radcliffe
Psalms: 15, 16, 96 (Elgar, Musgrove, Harris)
First Lesson: Ecclesiasticus 2: 1-23
Office Hymn: Sing Alleluya forth ye saints on high (Martins)
Canticles: Jesus College Service (Mathias)
Second Lesson: 1 Timothy 6: 11-19
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith (Bullock)
Hymn: With the saints whose stories stir us (Regent Square)
Te Deum in C (Stanford)
Organ Voluntary: Fantasy on 'Babylon's Streams' (Harris)
Daniel Cook (Assistant Director of Music)
David Halls (Director of Music)