A listener would like you to cast your minds back to the early 1990s: and it could have been on Choral Evensong …
an all-female choir, possibly French
traditional French carols, with some in English
one a version of Away in a Manger, with a 'somewhat melancholic tune' accompanied by a woodwind instrument
period instruments
He says, 'Unfortunately I'm not very classically aware when it comes to choirs or particular instruments', but he would be very grateful if this strikes a chord or rings a bell with any long-term listener.
This, I'm afraid is all the information the young child (as he was) can give. The tricky point, I'm afraid, is that it may not have been Radio 3 or Choral Evensong. But that's your Starter for Five
A further thought: this is the Radio 3 schedule for Wednesday 8 December (Choral Evensong always on a Wednesday) if he fancied trawling through the haystack looking for his needle. But it doesn't sound much like a Choral Evensong.
an all-female choir, possibly French
traditional French carols, with some in English
one a version of Away in a Manger, with a 'somewhat melancholic tune' accompanied by a woodwind instrument
period instruments
He says, 'Unfortunately I'm not very classically aware when it comes to choirs or particular instruments', but he would be very grateful if this strikes a chord or rings a bell with any long-term listener.
This, I'm afraid is all the information the young child (as he was) can give. The tricky point, I'm afraid, is that it may not have been Radio 3 or Choral Evensong. But that's your Starter for Five

A further thought: this is the Radio 3 schedule for Wednesday 8 December (Choral Evensong always on a Wednesday) if he fancied trawling through the haystack looking for his needle. But it doesn't sound much like a Choral Evensong.