CE St Edmundsbury Cathedral 18th May 2011

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  • austin

    Most of the boys are from the local St James' Middle School in Bury St. Edmunds which is a state school run by Suffolk County Council. The cathedral is next door to St Mary's, which is the town's civic church and which also has a fine choir.


    • Frostbites

      Sorry to reply so late, but have only just joined the Forum.
      I worship at St Eds, and yes, too, appreciate the general confession at the beginning, which they invariably say here daily at evensong.
      James Thomas wrote his Introit for the installation of our new precentor, Martin Eastwood, only 2 weeks prior to broadcast. Call me biased but I prefer his compositions to those of John Rutter and feel sure he would have come up trumps for the recent Royal wedding. The standard he achieves with a motley band of boys, (yes at the moment the majority attend St
      James' middle school, across the abbey ruins; but others are at sundry private and state schools, some over 25 miles
      away!) is truly amazing.


      • DracoM
        • Mar 2007
        • 13027

        How do the cathedral authorities recruit? Are there sponsored choristerships?


        • DracoM
          • Mar 2007
          • 13027

          .........oh, and very much welcome Frostbites to our forum! Do contribute often!


          • cantenor2

            I have been away for a while and just back into listening to CE. I couldn't find you chaps since the 'Beeb' shut down their forum but I see it's back into full swing.

            I listened to the digital repeat of CE from St Edmundsbury on the Sunday - less the gliches so no distractions. A little dissapointed with the sound levels and I too had to turn the wick up a bit to get something to drive my KEFs.

            On the positive side a pleasant to listen to and workman like back row (all volunteers I hear - must save the Cathedral £thousands) and a light but competant front row - a little flat in places and possibly quite young treble voices yet to find confidence in their true upper register. The service itself was good traditional C of E stuff - much prefer this style of CE to the 'recitals' we sometimes get. IMO the registrations used by the organist we a slight pedal heavy - perhaps showing off the new toy!! Overall the words could be heard, there was energy and depth in the singing and obviously a lot of commitment from the choir if the boys are also volunteers - the DOM should be applauded for his achievements.

