CE Tewkesbury Abbey
Sung by the Abbey's Schola Cantorum
Order of Service:
Introit: Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost (Sebastian Forbes)
Responses: Richard Shephard
Psalms 93, 94 (Bell, Deffell (after Cherubini), Peterson)
Office Hymn: Breathe on me, Breath of God (Carlisle)
First Lesson: Genesis 15
Canticles: Westminster Service (Howells)
Second Lesson: Romans 4:1-8
Anthem: Dum complerentur (Palestrina)
Final Hymn: Come down, O Love divine (Down Ampney)
Organ Voluntary: Tongues of Fire (Arthur Wills)
Organist: Carleton Etherington
Director: Simon Bell
Sung by the Abbey's Schola Cantorum
Order of Service:
Introit: Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost (Sebastian Forbes)
Responses: Richard Shephard
Psalms 93, 94 (Bell, Deffell (after Cherubini), Peterson)
Office Hymn: Breathe on me, Breath of God (Carlisle)
First Lesson: Genesis 15
Canticles: Westminster Service (Howells)
Second Lesson: Romans 4:1-8
Anthem: Dum complerentur (Palestrina)
Final Hymn: Come down, O Love divine (Down Ampney)
Organ Voluntary: Tongues of Fire (Arthur Wills)
Organist: Carleton Etherington
Director: Simon Bell