Choral Vespers - Chapel Royal of Hampton Court Palace
Wed, 30th March
Choral Vespers according to the Latin Rite
Order of Service:
Leroy Kyrie (John Taverner)
Hymn: Glory to thee, my God, this night (Tallis's Canon)
Psalms 122, 127 (plainsong)
Canticle: Ephesians 1: 3-10 (plainsong)
Homily: The Dean of Her Majesty's Chapels Royal
Magnificat for Five Voices (Tallis)
Intercessions and Collects
Motet: Salve Regina (William Cornysh)
Concluding Rite
National Anthem
The Sixteen
Organist: Matthew Martin
Director of Music: Harry Christophers
Wed, 30th March
Choral Vespers according to the Latin Rite
Order of Service:
Leroy Kyrie (John Taverner)
Hymn: Glory to thee, my God, this night (Tallis's Canon)
Psalms 122, 127 (plainsong)
Canticle: Ephesians 1: 3-10 (plainsong)
Homily: The Dean of Her Majesty's Chapels Royal
Magnificat for Five Voices (Tallis)
Intercessions and Collects
Motet: Salve Regina (William Cornysh)
Concluding Rite
National Anthem
The Sixteen
Organist: Matthew Martin
Director of Music: Harry Christophers