Temple Church, London
Choral Evensong
Introit: Ach, arme Welt (Brahms)
Responses: Byrd
Psalm 51: Miserere mei (Allegri)
First Lesson: Isaiah 1 vv.10-18
Canticles: Second Service (Gibbons)
Second Lesson: Luke 15 vv.11-32
Anthem: Geistliches Lied (Brahms)
Hymn: Father, hear the prayer we offer (Cypress Court)
Organ Voluntary: Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist BWV671 (Bach)
Director of Music: Roger Sayer
Associate Organist: Greg Morris.
Choral Evensong
Introit: Ach, arme Welt (Brahms)
Responses: Byrd
Psalm 51: Miserere mei (Allegri)
First Lesson: Isaiah 1 vv.10-18
Canticles: Second Service (Gibbons)
Second Lesson: Luke 15 vv.11-32
Anthem: Geistliches Lied (Brahms)
Hymn: Father, hear the prayer we offer (Cypress Court)
Organ Voluntary: Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist BWV671 (Bach)
Director of Music: Roger Sayer
Associate Organist: Greg Morris.