CE Truro Cathedral
Order of Service:
Introit: Prevent us O Lord (Byrd)
Responses: Byrd
Psalm 18 (Parry, Macpherson, Atkins)
First Lesson: Isaiah 61:1-9
Canticles: The Great Service (Parsons)
Second Lesson: Luke 7:18-30
Anthems: Simile est regnum caelorum (Guerrero)
Ave Maria (Josquin)
Hymn: Now thank we all our God (Nun Danket)
Organ Voluntary: Ave Maria (Cathedral Windows - Karg-Elert)
Organist: Luke Bond
Director of Music: Christopher Gray
Order of Service:
Introit: Prevent us O Lord (Byrd)
Responses: Byrd
Psalm 18 (Parry, Macpherson, Atkins)
First Lesson: Isaiah 61:1-9
Canticles: The Great Service (Parsons)
Second Lesson: Luke 7:18-30
Anthems: Simile est regnum caelorum (Guerrero)
Ave Maria (Josquin)
Hymn: Now thank we all our God (Nun Danket)
Organ Voluntary: Ave Maria (Cathedral Windows - Karg-Elert)
Organist: Luke Bond
Director of Music: Christopher Gray