Let the Peoples Sing 2015

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    Let the Peoples Sing 2015

    Can't remember - did we have any of this on R3?
    Broadcast comes from BR Klassik.

    Will be very interested in Forum opinions on standards.
  • Oldcrofter
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 226

    Video of final (commentary mainly German with brief English comments)

    Hochkarätige Konzerte des BR-Chors und der Orchester des BR sowie ausgewählte Veranstaltungen - aus der Region und darüber hinaus: BR-KLASSIK CONCERT bietet zahlreiche musikalische Highlights zum Live-Sehen und als Video on Demand.

    Choirs competing:

    Main Category
    Sofia Vokalensemble (cond.: Bengt Ollén), Sweden
    Riga Latvian Society Chamber Choir Austrums (cond.: Arijs Skepasts), Latvia
    KlangsCala (cond.: Helmut Zeilner), Austria
    Madrigalchor der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München (cond.: Martin Steidler), Germany

    Children and Youth Choirs
    Aarhus Pigekor (Aarhus Girls Choir, cond.: Helle Høyer Vedel), Denmark
    Romanian Radio Children’s Choir (cond.: Voicu Popescu), Romania
    Young People’s Chorus of New York City (cond.: Francisco Nunez), USA

    Open Category
    Singers Ltd. (cond.: Tim Venvell), England
    Cosmic Voices Choir (cond.: Vanya Moneva), Bulgaria

    Overall winner: Aarhus Girls’ Chorus Winner
    Adult category: Madrigal Choir of the Munich Academy for Music and Theatre Winner
    Children and Youth category: Aarhus Girls’ Chorus and Young People’s Chorus of New York City Winner
    Open category: Cosmic Voices Choir -

    See more at: http://www3.ebu.ch/projects/radio/le....H5fPd1dl.dpuf

    By the way, Draco, I don't think the British choir Singers Ltd's style will be much to your taste - but I stand to be corrected.
    Last edited by Oldcrofter; 23-12-15, 16:03.


    • Gabriel Jackson
      Full Member
      • May 2011
      • 686

      I am a bit surprised to see the Sofia Vokalensemble still competeing in events like his - they have won loads of competions over the years and are very established. They are also very good....


      • subcontrabass
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 2780

        Originally posted by DracoM View Post

        Can't remember - did we have any of this on R3?
        British choirs in the semi-final appeared in "The Choir" on 11th January ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04xrpwt ).


        • DracoM
          • Mar 2007
          • 13027

          AFAIR 'Let the Peoples Sing' did not / does not any longer feature on R3 as such? Is that correct?

          As for the entries, I fear I found most of them gimmicky and predictable. Interestingly, I mostly listened with the visuals off, and if you do listen only to the singing, it's.......well, I actually found it very difficult to tell the difference between some ensembles - particularly true of the youth category, where they seemed to use exactly the same vocal tricks and clicks. And sounded identical - Bulgarian choir apart who were utterly different.

          Talking of the Youth Category, when I went on screen - usually at the beginning of each new choir then switched to sound only, I was first taken aback and then pretty depressed by the fact that very few ensembles had BOYS singing at all. Young men, yes, but boys? Hmm.


          • Oldcrofter
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 226

            The 2013 UK semi-finalists were:

            ◾Farnham Youth Choir - Mainly girls, 3-4 boys, upper voices
            ◾Exultate Singers - Adult chamber choir, Bristol
            ◾Wellensian Consort - Youth chamber choir, Wells
            ◾Coro - Adult chamber choir, London
            ◾Taplow Youth Choir - Youth choir SATB
            ◾Wells Cathedral School Choralia - Girls' choir, mature voices (through to final)

            The 2015 UK semi-finalists (at least, the ones I can track down) were:

            N. London Collegiate School Chamber Choir
            Voices of Lions - Hampton School (S. London) Boys' choir (lower voices)
            Salvacosta Adult SATB, Bournemouth area, connected with Salvation Army
            Singers Limited Royal G. School, High Wycombe, Boys' choir, (lower voices)

            There may have been other choirs in UK semi ?

            So no, Draco, no UK boys' higher voices or SATB choir in semis in the last two competitions.

            No British choir has won the major trophy (Silver Rose Bowl) since Exeter College Choir in 1979


            • DracoM
              • Mar 2007
              • 13027

              Do you think that might explain why the BBC stopped serious coverage?
              Just mystified. Where was bossy, hard-voiced, relentless trail-giving Ms M-P when you need her?

              I wonder how Hampton School, North London Collegiate, RGS High Wycombe, Wells Cathedral feel about zero coverage when European TV does it?
              How else do you encourage young singers but by giving them a platform / collective aim?


              • Gabriel Jackson
                Full Member
                • May 2011
                • 686

                Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                I wonder how Hampton School, North London Collegiate, RGS High Wycombe, Wells Cathedral feel about zero coverage when European TV does it?
                How else do you encourage young singers but by giving them a platform / collective aim?
                It doesn't work like that. It is only the final that is televised, and not all finalists attend (they can, if they want to, perform in their home country). The judges at the final cannot see them, only hear them.


                • DracoM
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 13027

                  I'm well aware of how it works.
                  In previous years, many will recall that R3 listeners heard more than just the finals - in fact they heard a number of rounds. Hence the schools I mentioned might well have been heard on radio, if not on TV elsewehither.
                  Now? Well, we don't even have the finals on R3. Should I have to go to European TV online to get them?
                  How on earth you breed singers / singing-aware kids if you do not showcase them, I do not know.
                  Mystery to me when R3 is craving new audiences...........
                  R2, FGS, does Chorister of the Year - why not R3? I simply do not get the R3 policy on encouraging young listeners to cross the divide and dip a toe


                  • Gabriel Jackson
                    Full Member
                    • May 2011
                    • 686

                    Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                    I'm well aware of how it works.
                    Clearly not.
                    Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                    In previous years, many will recall that R3 listeners heard more than just the finals - in fact they heard a number of rounds. Hence the schools I mentioned might well have been heard on radio, if not on TV elsewehither.
                    That may have been the case in the past but now there are two rounds

