Advent Sunday: Chapel of St John's College, Cambridge Sun, 29th Nov

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    It simply struck me that, as ardcarp so rightly says, there are always peaks and troughs with any choir, particularly one that relies on young voices, but John's seems to be on a real high at the moment, in all parts, and it showed in that service. All John's choirs are 'good', but some are just more good than others.

    Most other Oxbridge choirs are not led by boys; boys' voices are notoriously [some would say gloriously] unpredictable. Coached by a patient, canny DOM. they learn how to compensate for approaching breaks etc etc, but they are / can be a bit of a crown of thorns as well as stars. John's seemed to be to be fortunate to have at the mo a pretty secure and musically sophisticated tranche for AN to work with on both front and back desks..

    I always feel very sorry for KCC particularly at this time of year: they have massive pressure on them from global media, record companies, the BBC, the public at large - I mean, 'no pressure'!! How you go about making a child feel progressively and sufficiently calm and relaxed as to give of their undoubted best under such huge expectations is a terrific trick, and we all know that only the best have it.

    BUT even with all the skill of years, any DOM, like any decent games coach, has to have the material in front of him/her to expect to be able to scale heights. And if you add to that the problem of choosing new repertoire.......does the BBC breathe down necks over repertoire choice? do record companies exercise some 'persuasion' in choice of recorded output? Does the cathedral D&C / college etc exercise any 'advice'?

    And KCC, it might be surmised, is possibly under greater pressure in those regards than few others I can think of. e.g. RQ at NCO will have had an interesting time following EH - and we heard them the other week. Mr Q has changed their style of voice production quite considerably. So these things come and go, develop and shift, and listeners are always making comparisons. It's unavoidable unless you can switch on and off amnesia over your own choral singing / listening experiences - which I find very hard to do!!

    Comparisons between such top choirs are anyway a matter of mere whispers and scintillas.


    • underthecountertenor
      Full Member
      • Apr 2011
      • 1587

      Originally posted by Awkwardlistener View Post
      Usually done when there is an exceptional counter tenor in the backrows. I'm sure it will make a comeback soon.
      Hi Awkwardlistener.
      Some people round here might be tempted to draw the syllogistical inference from your comment that the absence of RoJ in a choir's order of service for Advent Sunday means that that choir lacks an exceptional counter-tenor. I'm sure that's not what you meant, but I just thought it would be worth mentioning that it ain't necessarily so!


      • jonfan
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 1475

        I concur with all the comments above; the whole service was superb. What keeps it fresh is the choice of lessons can vary from year to year which enables the DOM to vary his choice as well. When these broadcasts started under GG in the '80's Advent Carol Services were few and far between. We started them in our church and they have become very popular; it was almost standing room only yesterday. I do miss GG's exploration of the folk carols from the Dearmer/VW carol book though which brought neglected pieces to the fore. What is good is the whole thing is fresh and gets the season off to a great start. [We do the Gardner with piano; the organ can sound so ungainly!?]


        • BBMmk2
          Late Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 20908

          Doing my usual catch up. it's really brilliant to hear!
          Don’t cry for me
          I go where music was born

          J S Bach 1685-1750


          • Wolsey
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 419

            Originally posted by jonfan View Post
            When these broadcasts started under GG in the '80's Advent Carol Services were few and far between.
            I can't agree. Many foundations were holding Advent carol services well before Barry Rose (as Music Advisor to the Head of Religious Broadcasting at the BBC) instituted the annual broadcasts from John's, and Carols for Choirs 2 (1970) strove to meet the growing popularity of this particular form of liturgy - complete with a model order of service. I agree, however, about the preference of piano for Gardner's carol - written for a school hall. The less said about VCC's typically ungracious remarks about this excellent service and choir, the better.


            • ardcarp
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 11102

              I do miss GG's exploration of the folk carols from the Dearmer/VW carol book
              I think if there were a criticism of this year's Advent offering it would be that for Mr Everyman there was an absence of 'traditional tunes' to latch on to. Personally I loved the choice...but that risks my sounding 'highbrow' and probably arrogant too.

              Why do people compare choirs like it's some sad game of choral top trumps? Classical music, let alone choral music is struggling for relevance in today's society. Ridiculous therefore, to see people commenting in this way instead of acknowledging a shared love and past-time. Our niche corner of music can't really afford tribalism of this sort.
              Absolutely! BUT, I would say that the exposure of cathedral and collegiate choirs on BBC Choral Evensong over the years has been a factor in maintaining...or even striving for higher...standards. I'm aware that comments on The Choir (i.e. this forum) are often considered a bit joke-worthy by some in the biz. Sometimes with good reason. However I do have it on good authority that this forum is looked at, maybe a a little nervously. N'est-ce pas?


              • oddoneout
                Full Member
                • Nov 2015
                • 9530

                for Mr Everyman there was an absence of 'traditional tunes' to latch on to
                Perhaps another 'audience participation' carol would have been nice? Several of the choir carols, whilst 'modern' would have been reasonably enough familiar I would have thought to offset the new ones, but being able to join in with the rousing old favourites whether at home or in situ does help to prevent it seeming like a concert. Magical choir moments for me were the Poston and Warlock. I wasn't especially taken with the new items,(although parts of 'The Birth of Speech' caught my ear's attention), but at least the quality of performance was such that I did actually listen rather than go away and come back!
                Naughty I know but I did enjoy hearing the initial choir/organ versus congregation tussle of O Come O Come Emmanuel - the joys of processionals!


                • jonfan
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 1475

                  Originally posted by Wolsey View Post
                  I can't agree. Many foundations were holding Advent carol services well before Barry Rose (as Music Advisor to the Head of Religious Broadcasting at the BBC) instituted the annual broadcasts from John's, and Carols for Choirs 2 (1970) strove to meet the growing popularity of this particular form of liturgy - complete with a model order of service. I agree, however, about the preference of piano for Gardner's carol - written for a school hall. The less said about VCC's typically ungracious remarks about this excellent service and choir, the better.
                  I accept that Advent services were popular in schools and colleges, as stated in the preface to Carols for Choir 2, but I think the broadcast services helped parish churches to think about carol services at the start of Advent when they hadn't done before.


                  • Magnificat

                    Originally posted by Wolsey View Post
                    The less said about VCC's typically ungracious remarks about this excellent service and choir, the better.

                    My remarks were certainly not ungracious to St John's. I said they were very good but not exceptional and that previous St John's choirs were just as good. I thought Draco rather overstated how good they are under Andrew Nethsingha that's all. I was certainly ungracious about the awful chapel building itself.



                    • Tevot
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 1011

                      Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
                      A firm date in my diary too. This service is always the signal for the Christmas countdown and looking forward to singing along with my customary gusto to Helmsley, surely one of the best ever hymn tunes. No neighbours to worry about so will let rip!

                      I share your sentiments Petrushka. It never disappoints


                      • Tevot
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 1011

                        Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                        Doing my usual catch up. it's really brilliant to hear!
                        Listening to the service as I'm typing this. Really enjoying it and really atmospheric too. Tim Watts' The Birth of Speech commanded attention. Thanks to those involved in this broadcast.

                        Best Wishes,



                        • LTFC1990
                          Full Member
                          • Sep 2012
                          • 32

                          Fantastic service, well done to all at St John's. Wonderfully committed singing throughout the choir, and throughout the service; what an inspiring way to start Advent.


                          • antongould
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 8872

                            Originally posted by Tevot View Post
                            Listening to the service as I'm typing this. Really enjoying it and really atmospheric too. Tim Watts' The Birth of Speech commanded attention. Thanks to those involved in this broadcast.

                            Best Wishes,

                            Agree on the Watt Tevot - loved the service and as a practising philistine I knew a reasonable proportion of the music .... A wonderful start to the festive season ....


                            • jean
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 7100

                              Festive? There's four weeks of fasting and abstinence to go before that starts!


                              • antongould
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 8872

                                Originally posted by jean View Post
                                Festive? There's four weeks of fasting and abstinence to go before that starts!

                                Not for lapsed philistines ..... shameful I know .....

