Indeed, BUT there are all manner of other choir 'school' type set-ups in non-choir school foundations, catholic places, singing / cantoring in synaguogues, and, heaven forfend, some of the best singing choirs in our actual schools eg Ampleforth, Winchester to start at the top, and many, many others. Tiny fragments of The Choir time every so often that would salt the meat, get younger listeners in to listen to themselves on heavenbs above R3!! Yoof 'earin themselves on Radio Free!! Safe, eh! Doesn't have to be with trumpets and for some govt scheme eg Sing Up!, but simply because in a sense all music is local, kids are local, regina pride in tnhose choirs is good, and shows Auntie with non-po face and keen to do UK singing bit. BUT on Radio 3. NOT a competition, repeat NOT a competition, but just an eavesdropping.
Someone ought to tell Rev Stephen Shipley about our brilliant idea!!
Someone ought to tell Rev Stephen Shipley about our brilliant idea!!