Originally posted by jamiepompey
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The point is relevant. It is that the musicians providing services to the Abbey for which they are paid should not receive payment for the broadcast services they sing as though they were a commercial concert.
My answer to David Underdown may be a possible way around this. A fair and reasonable payment which is what should be made to the men could well turn out to be £7,500 each based upon the way royalties are calculated. As long as the Abbey pay it and not PRS all would be well as far as I am concerned.
In fact, I would like to see WA, as our premier choral foundation, pay its lay clerks a proper fee based on living in London, say, £80,000 pa in return for having first call on them for daily services, festivals, special and royal occassions. They can do this ( perhaps the only church/cathedral that can ) as they are a very very wealthy establishment. It would also be a better all round situation for James O'Donnell ( with a corresponding increases for him and his assistants ) who would not have to rely so much deputies and similarly the lay clerks on other fees and royalties. This would cost about a £ 1 million pa, peanuts for WA.