CE Bolton Parish Church Wed, 5th June 2024 [R]
The Diocese of Manchester Choral Scholars
Order of Service:
Introit: Hymn to the Trinity (Tchaikovsky)
Responses: Ben Parry
Psalms 27, 28, 29 (Noble, Goss, Bairstow, Garrett)
First Lesson: Genesis 42: 17-38
Canticles: Sumsion in A
Second Lesson: Matthew 18: 1-14
Anthem: Upon your heart (Eleanor Daley)
Voluntary: Fanfare (Whitlock)
Kwankaew Ruangtrakool (Choral Conducting Scholar)
John Hosking (Organist)
Andrew Earis (Director of Music)
The Diocese of Manchester Choral Scholars
Order of Service:
Introit: Hymn to the Trinity (Tchaikovsky)
Responses: Ben Parry
Psalms 27, 28, 29 (Noble, Goss, Bairstow, Garrett)
First Lesson: Genesis 42: 17-38
Canticles: Sumsion in A
Second Lesson: Matthew 18: 1-14
Anthem: Upon your heart (Eleanor Daley)
Voluntary: Fanfare (Whitlock)
Kwankaew Ruangtrakool (Choral Conducting Scholar)
John Hosking (Organist)
Andrew Earis (Director of Music)