CE Chapel of Selwyn College, Cambridge [L] 17.4.24
Order of Service:
Introit: Rise up, my love (Willan)
Responses: Radcliffe
Psalm 89 (Harris, Sarah MacDonald)
First Lesson: Genesis 3.8-21
Canticles: Evening Service in A flat (Sarah MacDonald)
Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15.12-28
Anthem: Done is a battell on the dragon blak (Bryan Kelly)
Hymn: Alleluya! Alleluya Hearts to heaven and voices raise (Lux eoi)
Voluntary: Easter Music (And he rose again on the third day) (Bryan Kelly)
Adam Field (Percy Young Senior Organ Scholar)
Sarah MacDonald (Director of Music)
Order of Service:
Introit: Rise up, my love (Willan)
Responses: Radcliffe
Psalm 89 (Harris, Sarah MacDonald)
First Lesson: Genesis 3.8-21
Canticles: Evening Service in A flat (Sarah MacDonald)
Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15.12-28
Anthem: Done is a battell on the dragon blak (Bryan Kelly)
Hymn: Alleluya! Alleluya Hearts to heaven and voices raise (Lux eoi)
Voluntary: Easter Music (And he rose again on the third day) (Bryan Kelly)
Adam Field (Percy Young Senior Organ Scholar)
Sarah MacDonald (Director of Music)