Choral Vespers Westminster Cathedral July 1st 2015

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    Choral Vespers Westminster Cathedral July 1st 2015

    Choral Vespers Westminster Cathedral
    The Solemnity of the Dedication of the Cathedral

    Order of Service:

    Introit: Elegi abiectus esse (Philips)
    Hymn: Urbs Jerusalem beata (plainsong)
    Psalms 46 (Deus noster refugium), 122 (Laetatus sum)
    Canticle: Revelation 19:1-2, 5-7
    Reading: Revelation 21: 2-3, 22, 27
    Magnificat primi toni (Palestrina)
    Homily: Father Alexander Master
    Motet: Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen (Schütz)
    Antiphon: Ave Maria (Holst)

    Organ Voluntary: Carillon de Westminster (Vierne)

    Organ Scholar: Benjamin Bloor
    Assistant Master of Music: Peter Stevens
    Master of Music: Martin Baker
  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    Reminder: today @ 3.30 p.m.


    • DracoM
      • Mar 2007
      • 13027

      We sometimes talk of 'big sings' on this forum [ well, OK, I do ] but a Choral Vespers service from the Drome means that the choir in whole or in part is actually singing continually for about 45 minutes, and the repertoire today was not easy.

      Stamina, discipline, confidence needed, and we had all three in spades; the plain chant had dignity and forward propulsion, did not dwell; cantors lead, responses take the dialogue forward; we had solos, choir divisi, small group ensembles; and underpinning all, both very discreet and very brilliantly OTT organ work.

      This really was a truly uplifting service: fine trebles, arguably the best alto and tenor lines I have heard at West Cath for some time, the whole service culminating in the sumptuous, joyfully in-yer-face Vierne. I do hope Martin Baker feels satisfied.

      Worth re-hearing on Sunday, if you missed it.


      • Roger Judd
        Full Member
        • Apr 2012
        • 237

        Concur with every word above, Draco. A great service. Is it me, or have we had an extraordinary run of really very high quality broadcasts recently of which this was an outstanding example?


        • DracoM
          • Mar 2007
          • 13027

          Indeed yes, St David's, Wells, St Alban, and now the Drome - the ones I'd pick out.


          • Roger Judd
            Full Member
            • Apr 2012
            • 237

            For my money, Truro's Finzi was one of THE best and most 'loving' performances I've ever heard of the piece.


            • DracoM
              • Mar 2007
              • 13027

              Woops, yes, Chris Gray will never forgive me....Truro, of course! And indeed that Finzi.


              • ardcarp
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 11102

                It was brave to do quite a lot of split treble stuff...and it came off. This was the Drome's species of muscular singing at its best! Holst's Ave Maria was especially refreshing near the end being for upper voices only. I didn't listen on especially good equipment this pm, but did I hear a high tenor in the bottom alto part? Likewise, did an alto sing with treble plainsong at times?

                Although I am homily-averse, I did quite enjoy this one!


                • DracoM
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 13027

                  Yes, noticed alto quietly busking in the Ave Maria. Plainchant....erm...possibly. Actually there seemed to be one gen treble lad there with a good developed lower register I thought quite promising - unless we're talking about the same guy?

                  Loved the Vierne! In that acoustic as well!! Nobody sleeps when that vol is on!


                  • Magnificat

                    Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                    Yes, noticed alto quietly busking in the Ave Maria. Plainchant....erm...possibly. Actually there seemed to be one gen treble lad there with a good developed lower register I thought quite promising - unless we're talking about the same guy?

                    Loved the Vierne! In that acoustic as well!! Nobody sleeps when that vol is on!

                    It will be interesting for me to hear the cathedral choir in ten days time singing with St Albans and Christ Church, Oxford at the IOFS Three Choirs Concert. I wonder how they will sound in a less helpful acoustic i.e. one that is good but requires some work by the choir?

                    Very good today though. I thought the boys sounded young - to my ears not as big a sound as usual from Westminster.



                    • ardcarp
                      Late member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 11102

                      I listened again this afternoon and enjoyed it even more. The plainsong near the beginning (which I missed first time around) is the one on which Bairstow based his Blessed City, Heavenly Salem. All to do with founding temples, no doubt.

                      (Sorry if this is ******** obvious to everyone!)
                      Last edited by ardcarp; 05-07-15, 18:38.


                      • DracoM
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 13027



                        • light_calibre_baritone

                          Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                          The plainsong near the beginning (which I missed first time around) is the one on which Bairstow based his Blessed City, Heavenly Salem[/SIZE]
                          For the hard of hearing ;-)


                          • Awkwardlistener
                            Full Member
                            • Jul 2015
                            • 29

                            I've only just got round to listening to this....and I have to say I'm glad I did. The ATB had a beautiful sense of line to their singing, with a sense of depth and fullness to their tone, without tilting towards the faux-operatic nonsense that's heard from time to time. If I have one quibble it was the less than subtle shadowing of the alto parts by one or two of the high tenors, I thought it gave this part an edge and colour that the music didn't necessarily warrant. The trebles were predictably up to the task. I would agree though with VCC though that they did sound quite young, and perhaps lacked the vibrant continental edge that makes WCC such a distinctive sound.

                            I thought the service got better as it went along. The Phillips with its split treble part didn't quite have the uniformity of colour and vowel shape that I think it needs. The plainsong, particularly the psalms were beautifully done. I got a real sense during the Palestrina that this was the bread and butter of the choir, and even if I didn't know or understand Latin I got a real sense of the text here - something that's sometimes lost with a text repeatedly sung all year. For me though, the service really came alive at the Schultz. Perhaps, because of its faster meter, the trebles sprung into life, and their tone enriched moving closer to the more robust style we are used to. The change of language also gave a welcome change of colour to the sound. The Holst, as others have noted, was very well done, with the full range of dynamics, textures and colours to boot. Lovely organ playing as well. Many thanks!


                            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                              Gone fishin'
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 30163

                              Welcome, Awkwardlistener - if your personality matches your nom de web, then you have found your spiritual home on this Forum
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