CE Southwell Minster 20th April 2011

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    CE Southwell Minster 20th April 2011

    CE Southwell Minster

    Order of Service:

    Introit: O Saviour of the world (Ouseley)
    Responses: Ebdon
    Office Hymn: Lord Jesus, think on me (Southwell)
    Psalm: 88 (Smart)
    First Lesson: Isaiah 63: 1-9
    Canticles: Fauxburden Service (Whitlock)
    Second Lesson: Revelation 14: 18 – 15: 4
    Anthem: Lo, the full, final sacrifice (Finzi)
    Final Hymn: My song is love unknown (Love unknown)

    Voluntary: Crucifixion (from the Symphonie-Passion) (Dupré)

    Assistant Director of Music: Philip White-Jones
    Rector Chori: Paul Hale

    NB: I've edited this from R3 Home page: they have 'fauxburden' - is that Whitlock's own spelling of 'fauxbourdon'? Advice?
  • muticus

    An interesting confusion here - fauxbourdon is the French equivalent of the English faburden - both meaning 'false bass' as an upper part is added over the plainsong tone - giving the impression of a different 'tune'. I suspect Whitlock is attempting a bit of self-conscious archaism!


    • bach736
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 213

      I think it's a misprint. The spelling is 'fauxbourdon' on Priory's 1996 recording by Roger Sayer in Rochester Cathedral.


      • HairyMaclary

        The Southwell Minster music list for Wednesday evening has it down as 'Fa burden'.


        • chrisjstanley
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 86

          Well I suppose that Wednesday of Holy Week now demands the proper psalm for the day, but I for one will miss the appointed psalm for the 20th evening (Psalm 104) which was given such a spirited rendition by my alma mater back in their broadcast in December 2006.

          The Whitlock and Finzi will be new to me.

          Look forward to it!!!!!!!

          Chris S


          • Simon

            I don't know the Whitlock canticles. Perhaps they were circumscribed for choice by the time of year. I haven't been down for quite a while, though it's only an hour or so away. Be good to hear how they are getting on.


            • mopsus
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 864

              It's quite common not to sing the Gloria to the Mag and Nunc in Holy Week, which would make many settings seem very strange, but works better with a more repetitive fauxbourdon setting.


              • Magnificat

                Originally posted by chrisjstanley View Post
                Well I suppose that Wednesday of Holy Week now demands the proper psalm for the day, but I for one will miss the appointed psalm for the 20th evening (Psalm 104) which was given such a spirited rendition by my alma mater back in their broadcast in December 2006.

                The Whitlock and Finzi will be new to me.

                Look forward to it!!!!!!!

                Chris S
                Surprised you don't know the Finzi Chris, it is really a quite well known piece but at 15.50 a big sing for CE which is probably why it doesn't feature very often.

                Southwell were great last time on so as you say looking forward to it.



                • Simon

                  at 15.50
                  ...which is in my view about 10.50 too long for the music within it, but there we go.


                  • chrisjstanley
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 86

                    As often in the past Simon, we are in agreement. Even the performance of the Finzi by St Johns College Cambridge makes it pale into insignificance especially alongside the Blow Salvator Mundi. Of course IMO!!

                    Chris S


                    • Keraulophone
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                      • Nov 2010
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                      ...and IMO a special work of a master craftsman that glows effortlessly unto the last beat of its glorious Amen, arguably the finest Amen setting in C20th English Church music.

                      Astonishingly, this Amen (sung by NCO/EH) was ripped insensitively from the Full Final version and included as the last track on a double Decca compilation CD of Finzi.

                      Good luck Southwell, I'm very much looking forward to listening this afternoon. It's not an easy piece to bring off; the performers need an understanding of Richard Crashaw's magical words as well as effortless musical control to do it justice, an aim I thought we didn't quite achieve in our CE broadcast a few years ago, though a subsequent orchestral performance in concert proved to be more colourful, dynamic and cathartic.


                      • DracoM
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 13027

                        'South -Well'? Louise Fryer, tut tut,

                        One or two trebles had a really fine chest register, distinctive, well applied and with good transition to upper voice, and led the choir well. Competently sung canticles - not great music IMO, but OK.... OTOH if you have the Finzi to sing, then maybe you don't programme Howells St Paul's Mag and Nunc!

                        And they really did deliver the Finzi. It is a piece that has drama, word painting, and finds out every nook and cranny of a choir's technique and discipline, from solos to fine divided textures, and there are some tricky organ passages too. And I thought the concentration, evenness of tone and atttack were exemplary, and Southwell showed themselves under Paul Hale to be a very serious outfit. Many thanks.


                        • dj02468

                          Agree absolutely DracoM - a fine performance. I was particularly struck by the final voluntary - not one I am familiar with - but what a moving and evocative piece it is in telling the story; you can feel the footsteps and the nails going in; well judged and played I thought. And good that the BBC allowed it to run to completion.


                          • chrisjstanley
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 86

                            Unfortunately I couldn't listen live so have listened on the iplayer this morning.

                            A very enjoyable and moving service. Congratulations all round for a hugely professional effort. Cantoris a trifle weak in the psalm but that's as I always (like to) remember it.

                            Agree that the concluding organ voluntary was fitting and dramatic. The Finzi not as bad as I feared (the music, that is - I had no doubts that SM choir would give a fine rendition).



                            • Finzi4ever
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 614

                              Originally posted by Simon View Post
                              ...which is in my view about 10.50 too long for the music within it, but there we go.
                              Not sure I can tolerate that comment, Simon;-)

