CE St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle 11th Feb 2015

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    CE St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle 11th Feb 2015

    CE St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle

    Order of Service:

    Introit: Exsultate Deo (Palestrina)
    Responses: Tomkins
    Psalm: 119: 33-56 (Turle; Colborne)
    Lessons: Isaiah 52:13 – 53: 6
    Romans 15: 14-21
    Canticles: Evening Service in E minor (Daniel Purcell)
    Anthem: My beloved Spake (Purcell)
    Hymn: Come down, O love divine (Down Ampney)
    Final responses: Campbell

    Organ voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in E, BWV 566 (J S Bach)

    Richard Pinel, Assistant Director of Music
    James Vivian, Director of Music
  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    Reminder: today @ 3.30 p.m.


    • ardcarp
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 11102

      Ah! For lovers of a good, dignified, poised Choral Evensong, this must surely be a shining example. (Still enjoying the Bach.) What excellent, sensitive balance from both the men and (in the Psalms) the organ. And the musical direction was carefully polished. The boys didn't have anything taxing to do, but sang simply and beautifully I thought. The back desks behaved as lay-clerks used to; never overpowering the whole, and saving their excellent solo voices for the verse parts of My Beloved Spake. It really was like being there at a regular afternoon CE...OK you don't have strings every day....so well done to the sound engineers too.

      BTW, I'm sure I heard male altos singing the tune in Down Ampney.


      • Magnificat

        Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
        Ah! For lovers of a good, dignified, poised Choral Evensong, this must surely be a shining example. (Still enjoying the Bach.) What excellent, sensitive balance from both the men and (in the Psalms) the organ. And the musical direction was carefully polished. The boys didn't have anything taxing to do, but sang simply and beautifully I thought. The back desks behaved as lay-clerks used to; never overpowering the whole, and saving their excellent solo voices for the verse parts of My Beloved Spake. It really was like being there at a regular afternoon CE...OK you don't have strings every day....so well done to the sound engineers too.

        BTW, I'm sure I heard male altos singing the tune in Down Ampney.

        Absolutely agree.

        The psalms seemed to me to be sung full rather than antiphonally but were very nicely done. Lovely chants too.

        Actually, I often think that the boys are asked to do too much in some broadcasts and leaving the anthem largely to the men ( who are always very good at Windsor ) allowed James Vivian to concentrate on getting the best out of the boys in the rest of the service. The Canticles and Introit are not that easy to do well but they were well done today.

        One of the best first CEs by a recently appointed DoM to what always used to be regarded as a top flight choir. The future looks good for St George's after a few years in the doldrums



        • DracoM
          • Mar 2007
          • 13027

          A veritable jewel of a service.

          Good trebs with proper chest voices and an outstanding soloist - is he not BBC Chorister of the Year or something? - plus well rehearsed men who actually sang for each other instead of shouldering their way into the limelight. Real James Vivian style. Ensemble first and last. And all sung at a cracking pace but unhurrynig - if you see what I mean - with real authority and musicality. Loved the Bach vol too.

          Real feather in the cap of the 'new' regime at Windsor. They sounded confident, comfortable and enjoying life.


          • The Jackal

            Amazing that they only have 9 boys too!


            • Simon Biazeck

              Originally posted by The Jackal View Post
              Amazing that they only have 9 boys too!
              Really?! The Choir website clearly states that there are 24 boys.

              The Choir of St George’s Chapel comprises up to 23 choristers and twelve Lay Clerks singing alto, tenor and bass. The children are educated at St George’s School which is situated in the Castle grounds, and the Lay Clerks live ...Read more


              • EnzoElgar

                Originally posted by Simon Biazeck View Post
                Really?! The Choir website clearly states that there are 24 boys.

                I think James Vivian is having to lead a bit of a rebuilding process after a few years of low recruitment.


                • Simon Biazeck

                  Originally posted by EnzoElgar View Post
                  I think a bit of a rebuilding process is going on after a few years of low recruitment.
                  Wow! I look forward to hearing them all the more, not least because of the heavy beating of familiar drums up-thread!


                  • Tony Halstead
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 1717

                    Originally posted by EnzoElgar View Post
                    I think James Vivian is having to lead a bit of a rebuilding process after a few years of low recruitment.
                    Would it be 'politic' to ask - who was his predecessor?
                    The Purcell ( H) was outstandingly well performed, and in particular the intonation of the soloists in that breathtaking 'the voice of the turtle' section was superb.


                    • Musiclistener128

                      I must say, that was the best I have heard the men and boys. The trebles were brilliant, arguably better than westminister! There were only 9 boys! Due to bad recruitment efforts I suppose. A lovely treble duet! Those boys should try for chorister of the year if they havn't already. Stunning my beloved spake - most enjoyable. Lovely solos in that and the tenor was simply brilliant. I also loved the voice of the turtle part.

                      Overall I must congratulate James Vivian and I expect big things from this choir!


                      • Musiclistener128

                        It was a treble duet! Both boys were stunning! I was very impressed with the balance. Although first treble voice should have been slightly quieter in the verse but not expected for boys so young.


                        • Magnificat

                          Originally posted by The Jackal View Post
                          Amazing that they only have 9 boys too!
                          A really talented DoM doesn't need a lot of boys to produce a first class sound.

                          I've heard countless fine services sung at St Albans over the last 25 years or so with just six or seven experienced and well trained boys leading the top line.

                          If recruitment at Windsor is a bit slow perhaps JV ought to try to persuade the Dean and Chapter to do what the Temple did and open the choir up to boys from any local school not just rely on the current choir school.



                          • ardcarp
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 11102

                            A really talented DoM doesn't need a lot of boys to produce a first class sound.
                            I've heard countless fine services sung at St Albans over the last 25 years or so with just six or seven experienced and well trained boys leading the top line.
                            It goes without saying that in most kids' choirs, the older and more experienced ones can and do take much of the responsibility. But one needs younger, up-and-coming ones ready to 'step up to the plate' [horrid expression!]. That's always been the way of things. So a boys' choir of 9 is a bit small.


                            • Peanut
                              Full Member
                              • Feb 2015
                              • 31

                              Originally posted by Magnificat View Post
                              If recruitment at Windsor is a bit slow perhaps JV ought to try to persuade the Dean and Chapter to do what the Temple did and open the choir up to boys from any local school not just rely on the current choir school.

                              I suspect things aren't quite as simple as that, Magnificat.

                              To create consistent, long-term quality and sustainability, one can't simply fill up any vacant places in one go because all you're doing is kicking the problem down the road. In 4 or 5 years time, you'd have the same problem again: a big hole in the top of the choir when that large year of choristers' voices break, and they have to stand down. Then you'd be left, once again, with the remaining (younger) choristers shouldering premature responsibility, and the music department facing another rebuilding job.
                              Last edited by Peanut; 12-02-15, 12:32.

