CE Derby Cathedral 13th April 2011

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    CE Derby Cathedral 13th April 2011

    CE Derby Cathedral

    Order of Service:

    Introit: Wash me throughly (Wesley)
    Responses: Byrd
    Office Hymn: Drop, drop slow tears (Song 46)
    Psalms: 69, 70 (Battishill, Gould)
    First Lesson: Exodus 9: 1-12
    Canticles: The Short Service (Byrd)
    Second Lesson: Hebrews 12: 3-13
    Anthem: It is a thing most wonderful (Philip Moore)
    Hymn: Praise to the holiest (Chorus Angelorum)

    Organ Voluntary: Choral No 2 (Franck)

    Tom Corfield (Assistant Organist)
    Peter Gould (Master of the Music)
  • john_york

    Nice to see Derby on the Radio again. It was only April last year that they were on CE, this will be their 6th time now (2002,2004,2006,2008,2010,2011). Having come from Derby, I try and pop back as often as I can. My sources tell me that this year it will be a mixture of boys, girls and men. There haven't been many changes since last year with regard to the make up of the choir, with the men being the most stable.

    2010 was certainly a big year for the choir: 2 songs of praise episodes, the Royal Maundy Service and Choral Evensong. From what I gather, their ex-organ scholar (Ben Bloor) is doing very well in Windsor before moving on to New College next year.

    I am certainly looking forward to the anthem, as it is one of my favourites. Good luck Derby :-)


    • french frank
      • Feb 2007
      • 30818

      Hello john_york

      Always good to have local input here. Many thanks.
      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


      • DracoM
        • Mar 2007
        • 13027

        Good robust singing, the odd fluff, but, hey, it's live music making AMDG! Men particularly caught the ear. That Franck chorale takes a bit of playing too, but thanks for presenting it so well.


        • Finzi4ever
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 614

          Dr Tom Corfield is one of the great 'unsung' (I'm sure/hope not locally) hero assistants who are hugely talented (today's Franck proves the point) and yet stick to what they are so good at. His psalm accomp. on Wed was superb too. Gouldy has been there a long old time now and yet the standard gets better and better: well done to all.


          • bach736
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 213

            I loved the R3 announcer's 'Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness' - I felt as though I was about to be scrubbed clean. Don't they know the repertoire? But the service was indeed 'thoroughly' well sung. A great sound.
            I do agree about the good Doctor - such care and imagination in the psalms. The Somervell verse anthem was a delight too, as was the Franck. A broadcast up there with the best.
            Last edited by bach736; 16-04-11, 22:23.


            • john_york

              I 'thoroughly' enjoyed listening to Derby on Wednesday, and as you say, are getting better all the time. The soloist at the beginning was a little shakey, however I am sure that was down to nerves. The rest of the music was what I would expect from a good choir who are asked to sing on CE. The Byrd was a delight, with some good dynamic changes in the mag and nunc. The highlight for me was the Moore; like I said earlier, it is one of my favourites and was beautifully sung. The best part for me was the ATB section, with the altos making a lovely blend. Just like last year, the altos blend beautifully together, in particular the two Decani altos, who are the stronger of the four! I did think the Tenors were a little too loud in parts of the service, but having said this, they did make a good sound. The Basses had a wonderful rounded tone!!

              Tom's Franck at the end was a magical ending to the service. It was a very difficult piece to play and sounded wonderful on the organ.

              I look forward to hearing Derby again next year ;-) Well done to all concerned!!!

