Originally posted by JohnfromGaronne
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CE St Martin-in the-Fields Wed, Dec 10th 2014
When we visited my daughter doing a gap year in Spain (20 years ago, approx) she asked the priest if her Dad (me) could have a go on the organ at Santiana del Mar. (Daughter was fluent in Spanish BTW) He (obviously not willing to open the church specially) replied that yes he can play all he likes during Mass on Sunday. When I balked at that, not knowing what music might be involved, it was explained that there was no liturgical music and no organist, and that I would be playing (what I liked) before and after, plus while the host was being offered and communion taken. So I did. This was another case of no music other than miked call and response between priest and congregation, and a fine organ (including horizontal trumpeta) being largely unused.