CE Clare College, Cambridge
Order of Service:
Introit: Let all the world in every corner sing / Nico Muhly (first broadcast)
Responses: Joshua Pacey (first broadcast)
Psalms 98, 99, 100, 101 (Stanford, Lloyd, Attwood, Hopkins)
First Lesson: Isaiah 2:1-11
Office Hymn: As we remember, Lord, thy faithful handmaid (Iste Confessor)
Canticles: William Denis Browne in A
Second Lesson: John 6: 22-34
Anthem: The fear of the Lord (Howells)
Final Hymn: How shall I sing that majesty (Coe Fen)
Blessing: A Clare Benediction (John Rutter)
Organ Voluntary: Prélude et Danse Fuguée (Gaston Litaize)
Cello: Benjamin Michaels
Senior Organ Scholar: Matthew Jorysz
Director of Music: Graham Ross
Order of Service:
Introit: Let all the world in every corner sing / Nico Muhly (first broadcast)
Responses: Joshua Pacey (first broadcast)
Psalms 98, 99, 100, 101 (Stanford, Lloyd, Attwood, Hopkins)
First Lesson: Isaiah 2:1-11
Office Hymn: As we remember, Lord, thy faithful handmaid (Iste Confessor)
Canticles: William Denis Browne in A
Second Lesson: John 6: 22-34
Anthem: The fear of the Lord (Howells)
Final Hymn: How shall I sing that majesty (Coe Fen)
Blessing: A Clare Benediction (John Rutter)
Organ Voluntary: Prélude et Danse Fuguée (Gaston Litaize)
Cello: Benjamin Michaels
Senior Organ Scholar: Matthew Jorysz
Director of Music: Graham Ross