CE Royal Holloway, University of London
The Feast day of St Teresa of Avila
Order of Service:
Introit: Aspire to God my soul (David Bednall)
Responses: Barry Ferguson
Psalm 119: 81-104 (Hopkins; Elvey; Turle)
First Lesson: Wisdom 7: 7-15
Office hymn: There is no moment of my life (My life in God)
Magnificat: Finzi
Second Lesson: John 14: 1-7
Nunc dimittis: Holst
Anthem: I love the Lord (Harvey)
Motet: Let nothing disturb thee (Barry Ferguson)
Hymn: Fill thou my life (Richmond)
Organ Voluntary: Deuxième Fantaisie (Alain)
James Kealey (Organ Scholar)
Rupert Gough (Director of Choral Music)
The Feast day of St Teresa of Avila
Order of Service:
Introit: Aspire to God my soul (David Bednall)
Responses: Barry Ferguson
Psalm 119: 81-104 (Hopkins; Elvey; Turle)
First Lesson: Wisdom 7: 7-15
Office hymn: There is no moment of my life (My life in God)
Magnificat: Finzi
Second Lesson: John 14: 1-7
Nunc dimittis: Holst
Anthem: I love the Lord (Harvey)
Motet: Let nothing disturb thee (Barry Ferguson)
Hymn: Fill thou my life (Richmond)
Organ Voluntary: Deuxième Fantaisie (Alain)
James Kealey (Organ Scholar)
Rupert Gough (Director of Choral Music)