This new Choir board was looking a bit lonely, as the only one remaining threadless, so just thought I'd give a mention to today's broadcast of Evensong from Christ Church.
Although Oxford psalm-singing is often somewhat perplexing, I enjoyed the sensitivity and control shown in this evening's portion of Ps 119. I'm afraid I have to agree with daktari1 and ardcarp (on the original Choir board) about the Goodall Canticles. Perhaps they sound slightly more appropriate as sung in Marlborough College Chapel than in Christ Church Cathedral, but I wouldn't mind if I never heard them again. Is was a relief to hear some of the Walton after that limp stuff, but unfortunately I had to leave for choir practice! (Will catch up later.) Great to hear ChCh again on such good form. Many thanks.
Although Oxford psalm-singing is often somewhat perplexing, I enjoyed the sensitivity and control shown in this evening's portion of Ps 119. I'm afraid I have to agree with daktari1 and ardcarp (on the original Choir board) about the Goodall Canticles. Perhaps they sound slightly more appropriate as sung in Marlborough College Chapel than in Christ Church Cathedral, but I wouldn't mind if I never heard them again. Is was a relief to hear some of the Walton after that limp stuff, but unfortunately I had to leave for choir practice! (Will catch up later.) Great to hear ChCh again on such good form. Many thanks.