Originally posted by jayne lee wilson
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I'm ashamed to say I neglected 2 (and 1, and the earlier ones) until quite late (having begun my Bruckner career in 1968), listening to it for the first time in the 1872 Carragan Tintner perf - and instantly loved it. Someone subsequently gave me the Giulini Testament version, and I didn't get on with that at all - the movement order just sounded wrong, for a start. I'm about to listen to the Blomstedt, the set having just arrived - I kicked off with 1 yesterday.
I can't help wondering if Pet's issues with this symphony weren't at least in part down to versions, and movement order...you don't mention Tintner, Pet?
3 was my first live Bruckner (Haitink/LPO, 1972) - I've had the Tintner for some time but found the Blomstedt revelatory when I heard it for the first time on Sunday morning. Looking forward to playing that again at my leisure.