Bruckner: Symphonies No.1-3

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  • Roehre

    Originally posted by CallMePaul View Post
    There is an earlier, atypical symphony in F minor, written in 1863 and sometimes referred to as "No 00". It has been recorded at least twice, by Daniel Barenboim and Georg Tintner. I was under the impression that No 1 preceded No 0, but maybe there has been some new research. The late Philip Barford states that No 0 was written completed after No 1 but may have been started earlier.
    The premiere recording of the "Study" or no.00 AFAIK was on EMI in 1972: London Symphony with Elyakum Shapirra (with the Overture in c as filler), as is mentioned earlier (#8). Inbal/Frankfurt RSO did it too, as did Ashkenazy/DSO.

    No.1 and no.0 were composed at the same time, and there is evidence that no.2 and no.3 are partly contemporary too.
    The latter is evidenced i.a. by the presentation of both symphonies to Wagner, who eventually chose no.3 to be dedicated to him.


    • jayne lee wilson
      • Jul 2011
      • 10711

      Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
      Interested in this Bruckner cycle from Blomstedt but it comes with a hefty price tag attached

      Separate issues don't seem to be readily available at least on Amazon UK. I see that Amazon Germany have them but they're not likely to be on the Bargains thread any time soon.
      If you search for "Bruckner Blomstedt" on Amazon UK you'll find the separate issues there. Not cheap, but remember you get what you pay for... and in the case of this 2nd and 3rd, something really special. See Richard Osborne's review of the cycle in Gramophone of 11/2013, where he says of the 3rd "sumptuous playing... reveals more persuasively than any previous conductor why, structurally and imaginatively, this [1873] should be the preferred performing version".

      I must say I don't have much time for No.0; despite their entangled chronology, No.1 seems to me far superior in its sheer inspirational level and its surer sense of direction - a swift & dramatic narrative thrust - harmonically, structurally and emotionally.
      (In the notes to the marvellous CPO/Venzago/Tapiola Sinfonietta 0&1, Die Nullte gets translated as the "Zeroth".. It might just catch on...)

      I feel very strongly that only unfamiliarity (and close familiarity with the revised versions, replete with ill-advised textual excisions and alterations) stops any true Brucknerian preferring the Original Versions of the 2nd and 3rd; and remember all of the symphonies, even in Variant texts like Carraghan's of the 1888 8th, now exist in meticulously prepared editions, simply awaiting the patient attentions of dedicated performers and listeners to present or discover their many wonders.
      Last edited by jayne lee wilson; 16-06-14, 01:54.


      • BBMmk2
        Late Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 20908

        As ever, JLW, thank you so much for your posts!

        This seems to me what Roehre has confirmed, the originals, probably the best.

        I hadn't thought about the what I call the 'prequel' symphonies.
        Don’t cry for me
        I go where music was born

        J S Bach 1685-1750


        • richardfinegold
          Full Member
          • Sep 2012
          • 7898

          Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
          Time was when I rarely, if ever, listened to the first three Bruckner symphonies. They hardly ever featured on concert programmes (still the case unfortunately) and recordings were thin on the ground, most commentators viewing them as inferior to the great works that followed. For me, that began to change with Haitink's wonderful recording of the 3rd with the Vienna Philharmonic upon its release in 1990. Since then, I've found much pleasure in Abbado's various recordings of No 1. He appears to have had some affection for this symphony having recorded it three times, the latest one with the Lucerne Festival Orchestra of the Vienna version of 1891 (the other two were of the Linz version of 1866).

          However, as every boarder must know by now, I still struggle with the 2nd despite having several recordings. Perhaps if Abbado had set down his thoughts or Haitink re-visited the work I might embrace it more wholeheartedly. The fact that Haitink hasn't re-visited it (whether in concert or not I don't know) does suggest to me that he is out of sympathy with it, a feeling I can share.
          I didn't listen to these very much in the past. Lately I've developed a fondness for 2. 3 completely eludes me. I like Solti's recording of 1.


          • Barbirollians
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 11988

            Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
            I didn't listen to these very much in the past. Lately I've developed a fondness for 2. 3 completely eludes me. I like Solti's recording of 1.
            I am with you on Solti and No 1 . Giulini in No 2 I love . The Third I have always found hard work . The Bohm I admire but I don't love .


            • pastoralguy
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 7918

              According to the new issue of Gramophone, (page 9), Barenboim is launching a new label called Peral. The first release, download only, will be Bruckner's first three symphonies. The orchestra is the Berlin Staatskapelle.


              • jayne lee wilson
                • Jul 2011
                • 10711

                Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                As ever, JLW, thank you so much for your posts!

                This seems to me what Roehre has confirmed, the originals, probably the best.

                I hadn't thought about the what I call the 'prequel' symphonies.
                What a brilliant idea, Bbm... "ANTON BRUCKNER: THE PREQUELS. (Including "00 Guage" and "The Zeroth".)"
                But... are they any better than Star Wars 1-3...?


                • LeMartinPecheur
                  Full Member
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 4717

                  Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                  But... are they any better than Star Wars 1-3...?
                  Hmmm, Star Wars 1-3, that's a really tough act to follow...

                  ...though I guess it depends rather on which end you're counting from...
                  I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!


                  • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                    Gone fishin'
                    • Sep 2011
                    • 30163

                    rfg (#19) and Barbi (#20) if you like Solti's First, I wonder if you know Szell's not dissimilar approach in the Third with the Clevelanders? Not easily available, and not to be confused with his recording with the Dresdeners nor with the VPO (neither of which I know) it has a rhythmic precision and sense of momentum that I greatly admire - very different from the Böhm. Worth investigating if it ever comes back on the market, or if you see it in a Charity shop.
                    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                    • richardfinegold
                      Full Member
                      • Sep 2012
                      • 7898

                      Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
                      rfg (#19) and Barbi (#20) if you like Solti's First, I wonder if you know Szell's not dissimilar approach in the Third with the Clevelanders? Not easily available, and not to be confused with his recording with the Dresdeners nor with the VPO (neither of which I know) it has a rhythmic precision and sense of momentum that I greatly admire - very different from the Böhm. Worth investigating if it ever comes back on the market, or if you see it in a Charity shop.
                      I am trying to think if I have every heard Szell in Bruckner. Nothing comes to mind, but the thought is intriguing...


                      • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                        Gone fishin'
                        • Sep 2011
                        • 30163

                        Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
                        I am trying to think if I have every heard Szell in Bruckner. Nothing comes to mind, but the thought is intriguing...
                        Looking around the various suppliers, it seems that the Third was the Bruckner he recorded most (there are also recordings of the Seventh and Eighth) with three versions. The other two (which are easily available) are from Live recordings - the VPO version is also available on DVD, so we can watch how he conducts it (and has Mozart and Walton - the Hindemith Variations - as "fillers"). My debit card is itching again!
                        [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                        • Bryn
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 24688

                          Originally posted by LeMartinPecheur View Post
                          Hmmm, Star Wars 1-3, that's a really tough act to follow...

                          ...though I guess it depends rather on which end you're counting from...
                          As with Dvorak symphonies, a renumbering has taken place. The old 1, 2 and 3 are the new IV, V and VI.


                          • Roehre

                            Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                            As with Dvorak symphonies, a renumbering has taken place. The old 1, 2 and 3 are the new IV, V and VI.
                            Am I missing something here?
                            AFAIK the first 3 star wars were IV, V and VI from the very beginning (mentioned in the begin titles, and hence causing quite a lot of confusion at that time [late 1970s].......)


                            • Bryn
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 24688

                              Originally posted by Roehre View Post
                              Am I missing something here?
                              AFAIK the first 3 star wars were IV, V and VI from the very beginning (mentioned in the begin titles, and hence causing quite a lot of confusion at that time [late 1970s].......)
                              The first of the films released was simply called Star Wars in the publicity, and indeed on the box cover of its VHS release:

                              Yes, the anorak brigade noted the IV in the title sequence, and when The Empire Strikes Back came out, it was thus titled in publicity and on the VHS box:

                              likewise Return of the Jedi:

                              Those without the apposite weather wear commonly referred to them either by their titles, or as Star Wars 1, 2 and 3.

                              [Someone remind me how to shrink images and I will edit that.]
                              Last edited by Bryn; 16-06-14, 22:58.


                              • Barbirollians
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 11988

                                The prequels 1 and 2 were atrocious . If I ever come across them again on TV it will be too soon - I could not face No 3 .

                                The original movies were brilliant and the Empire Strikes Back my favourite.

