Rozhdestvensky - for Bruckner Crazies Only ...

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  • P. G. Tipps
    Full Member
    • Jun 2014
    • 2978

    Rozhdestvensky - for Bruckner Crazies Only ...

    I recently discovered an absolute gem on YouTube. I had heard about the Bruckner Symphony Cycle with, of all outfits, the USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra/Gennady Rozhdestvensky but I was previously only familiar with a recording of that bombastic-sounding and heavily-bowdlerised Fifth which would never have found a place of honour on my music shelf. However some kind soul has uploaded the whole cycle plus recordings of more obscure versions including a version of the 4th by Mahler. I never knew that even existed, tbh, though I know M. had done a piano transcription of the Third? Yes, No 0 and No 00 are included as well.

    What a revelation! This is raw, unexpurgated Bruckner, the rough-hewn country-lad, so refreshingly different from the overgrown altar-boy preferred by some conductors. Just listen to that wonderfuly confident and strident brass, cheeky woodwind interjections, gloriously singing strings underpinned by a thumping bass rhythm! It is fascinating to hear the different versions of the Third, Fourth and Eighth in particular. I think a lot of good stuff was discarded in the later versions of these works, though there were some undoubted 'improvements' The Sixth is a pure joy with the most triumphant conclusion I have yet encountered. The last majestic bars of the Seventh are slowed down to great effect though that won't please everyone, I'm sure.

    I do wonder if Rozhdestvensky's interpretations have more in common with the Bruckner who actually existed and not the one with which we are familiar. It certainly works for me and I've always yearned for a 'no holds barred' approach to this composer. Rozhdestvensky & Comrades certainly deliver here, and some!

    The symphonies are joined together in three sections. I have separated them and converted to .flac format from the best quality HD download ... the resulting sound is excellent.

    A Word of Warning: For those Brucknerians who like their Bruckner tamed and 'smooth', a la HVK, maybe best ignore this thread altogether!

  • jayne lee wilson
    • Jul 2011
    • 10711

    I've admired Rozhdestvensky's Bruckner for a long time. The 1980s recorded cycle (originally on Melodiya) includes all the versions of each symphony except the 1872 original 2nd, latterly found in the Carraghan edition with Tintner, Blomstedt and others. The 1887 8th wasn't included either, but when John F.Berky offered the magisterial 2009 Venezia Edition of Rozh's Bruckner a few years ago (also briefly available at HMV Japan), he managed to get the 1887 Nowak 8th in a 2009 Radio Mayak recording in the Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory (all 95'25 of it, Rozh did take his time later on...) and included that with the set. I'd already bought the Venezia (two hefty boxes, one red, one black - Le Rouge et Le Noir - 8 CDs in each) from HMV-Japan, but Berky let me have a copy anyway, lovely, devoted Brucknerian that he is.

    There's hardly a weak link in the set and, as you imply, Rozh has his own view - lyrical and dramatic, expressively varying the pulse and using those characterful Russian strings and brass to great effect - open-textured, sinewy and brilliantly brassy. You can almost see the yellow gleaming off the horns. The huge and resonant Large Studio of the Russian Radio and TV only emphasises the sheer originality of sound and interpretation. Yet Rozh remains devotedly true to the Brucknerian spirit.

    One of the greatest of all Bruckner recordings... if you ever come across one, snap it up fast! (VENEZIA CDVE 04367/04368).
    Last edited by jayne lee wilson; 30-12-15, 16:08.


    • Keraulophone
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 2013

      I have a couple of GR's Bruckner on Melodiya LPs (bought from the late lamented Collets Bookshop in Charing Cross Rd), but as the Venezia sets are no longer available from Japan, all I could find was an MP3 download of 'The Great Symphonies', which are deemed to be nos. 0 & 3-9 (only one version of each) on Amazon; but for £5.79 this could be a standby while searching for the Venezia complete recordings (without going the YouTube route).


      • jayne lee wilson
        • Jul 2011
        • 10711

        Yes - I don't know who the "Musical Art Channel" on youtube is/are, but finding "free access" to a set of recordings copyrighted to Venezia/Moscow in 2009 does look dubious...

        They should be available of course so this at least raises their profile. When you consider the bizarre number of Gunter Wand Bruckner recordings this does seem a sad irony....


        • teamsaint
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 25293

          Originally posted by Keraulophone View Post
          I have a couple of GR's Bruckner on Melodiya LPs (bought from the late lamented Collets Bookshop in Charing Cross Rd), but as the Venezia sets are no longer available from Japan, all I could find was an MP3 download of 'The Great Symphonies', which are deemed to be nos. 0 & 3-9 (only one version of each) on Amazon; but for £5.79 this could be a standby while searching for the Venezia complete recordings (without going the YouTube route).

          Also available on spotify.
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          • Keraulophone
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 2013

            Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
            Also available on spotify.
            The complete Venezia set of 11 Symphonies and most alternative versions plus a completion of 9(iv), or just one of each?


            • teamsaint
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 25293

              Originally posted by Keraulophone View Post
              The complete Venezia set of 11 Symphonies and most alternative versions plus a completion of 9(iv), or just one of each?

              Just the set that is available on Amazon download that you linked, I think, Kezzer.
              I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

              I am not a number, I am a free man.

