A long-time favourite Italian composer of mine from the experimental/avant garde and elecro-acoustic side of life. Post Tanglewood study and Darmstadt New Music School, he co-founded the Studio Fonologia Musicale and later became the Director of electro-acoustic music at IRCAM in Paris.
The first Berio music that I came across was a couple Sequenza (sequence) for solo instruments and other chamber works o Phillips.. At the time I think he had completed ten Sequenza, there are now fourteen. I then picked up on the Pierre Boulez Sony recordings. Coro, Formazioni and Sinfonia soon became favourites.
Tomorrow night's Prom concert contains Sinfonia and I intend to get along to the Arena for it.
The aforementioned Philips recording is still one of my most cherished CDs.

Thanks. I knew O King was written around the same time, but thought it was a bit earlier. I guess the difference is that the version in Sinfonia is the arrangement for 8 voices and orchestra (not a lot gets past me!
The first Berio music that I came across was a couple Sequenza (sequence) for solo instruments and other chamber works o Phillips.. At the time I think he had completed ten Sequenza, there are now fourteen. I then picked up on the Pierre Boulez Sony recordings. Coro, Formazioni and Sinfonia soon became favourites.
Tomorrow night's Prom concert contains Sinfonia and I intend to get along to the Arena for it.
The aforementioned Philips recording is still one of my most cherished CDs.

Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte
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