Barrett, Richard (b. 1959)

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  • Beef Oven!
    • Sep 2013
    • 18147

    Originally posted by jean View Post
    Are you hoping to form a government?

    Let us know how it goes!


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38199

      Originally posted by jean View Post
      Are you hoping to form a government?

      Let us know how it goes!
      Well I thought it was funny!


      • Padraig
        Full Member
        • Feb 2013
        • 4273

        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
        Well I thought it was funny!


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38199

          Originally posted by Padraig View Post
          etc etc


          • Bryn
            • Mar 2007
            • 24688

            Great stuff from Ensemble Studio6 at the City University Performance Space last evening, and to clear up any suggestion of scabbing by performers or audience, there was no lecturing (not even when Richard declared his support for the strike) and the event had been cleared with the UCU. Particular praise for trumpeter Nick Malcolm who had stepped in at the last moment when the U.K. authorities refused trumpeter Nenad Marković , co-founder of the Ensemble, a visa. Stirling work from Nick Malcolm who had but one week and one rehearsal to prepare for last night's performance in which he played in four of the six pieces which make up close-up. Do make the Oxford performance on Saturday if you can. I can't, but will be at iklectik for the Eddie Prevost Trio that night.


            • Richard Barrett
              • Jan 2016
              • 6259

              Originally posted by Bryn View Post
              Great stuff from Ensemble Studio6 at the City University Performance Space last evening, and to clear up any suggestion of scabbing by performers or audience, there was no lecturing (not even when Richard declared his support for the strike) and the event had been cleared with the UCU. Particular praise for trumpeter Nick Malcolm who had stepped in at the last moment when the U.K. authorities refused trumpeter Nenad Marković , co-founder of the Ensemble, a visa.
              Thanks Bryn. It was a skin-of-the-teeth affair in many ways, including the fact that I had to take over various bits of conducting that Nenad would otherwise have done, which isn't something that comes naturally to me at all. Luckily I've arranged an extra rehearsal in Leeds tomorrow so we should be in better shape when we play there on Friday.

              The audience was high in quality but somewhat low in numbers... I dunno, you don't get a chance to hear something like this in London too often, you'd think a few more people might bother to come along.


              • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                Gone fishin'
                • Sep 2011
                • 30163

                Another embarrassingly low turn-out in Leeds; about 36 of us - although that did include composers Aaron Cassidy, Mic Spencer, and Stephen MacMillan - and we did all clap very loudly at the end to try and sound bigger.

                And, yes; as Bryn said "great stuff" - fascinating timbres and textures, and some beautifully liquid sonorities; I loved the whole thing: the interplay between individual members of the sextet - the moments of "unison", and how these came into and out of "focus" - and total integration of "acoustic" and electronic instruments: the electronics enhancing and transforming the instrumental sounds, but then melding into purely electronic sounds. (And the many times when a sound seemed as if it must be coming from the electronics was actually being made by the acoustic players, and vice versa.)

                And superb playing from yet another ensemble; Richard is very lucky in his performers.

                Then again, they are very lucky in their composer.
                [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                • Joseph K
                  • Oct 2017
                  • 7765

                  My day began auspiciously - having had a blocked up ear, it actually unblocked itself in the shower - something which happens sometimes if I'm lucky. So I knew I'd be able to hear everything...

                  Wanting to give myself ample time, I got to Oxford early and browsed Blackwell's for music books and scores. I actually got to the church far too early and caught glimpses of the ensemble rehearsing, but alas, they wouldn't let me in so I went for coffee and cake. On returning to the church, I saw George Galloway outside and for a second wondered if he was going in. That was weird.

                  But the concert itself was great. I concur with Ferney's remark:

                  Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
                  (And the many times when a sound seemed as if it must be coming from the electronics was actually being made by the acoustic players, and vice versa.).
                  I would also add that the acoustic instruments themselves seemed to form a continuum, so that sonorities blended. Scintillating, smashing stuff, brilliant playing and good to see it being played.

                  I also was recognised by member Teamsaint afterwards.

                  Listening to the livestream of the Leeds gig now.


                  • teamsaint
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 25302

                    Just back from hearing RB's close-up in Oxford, where I recognised Josef K, ( nice to meet you JK) but failed to spot George Galloway.

                    What else to say that others haven't? Well for one,it was a terrific venue. A beautiful, spacious Wesleyan Methodist church, attractively lit, with wide open spaces that mean it is well suited to small ensemble music. The acoustics worked pretty well in this space too.

                    Really enjoyable concert, so much to take in, absorb, process. Loved the way that RB uses the six parts of the ensemble to create different atmospheres in the six parts of the work. There were extraordinary effects from the recorder player, ( didn't know you could get some of those noises out of recorder), and very creative use of the accordion. Richard's electronic creations were endlessly fascinating . Superb work from the stand in trumpet player, who has a lot to do. But all six players had to put in a creative shift in a work that is surely very demanding of their skills.

                    The concert was recorded for R3, presumably for H and N in the near future ?

                    I had the pleasure of meeting Richard after the concert, who made time for a quick chat. He was also kind enough to show me round his electronic kit, which was way above the call of duty, as he was just about to be interviewed by R3.
                    Last edited by teamsaint; 10-03-18, 22:37.
                    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                    I am not a number, I am a free man.


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38199

                      Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                      Just back from hearing RB's close-up in Oxford, where I recognised Josef K, ( nice to meet you JK) but failed to spot George Galloway.

                      What else to say that others haven't? Well for one,it was a terrific venue. A beautiful, spacious Wesleyan Methodist church, attractively lit, with wide open spaces that mean it is well suited to small ensemble music. The acoustics worked pretty well in this space too.

                      Really enjoyable concert, so much to take in, absorb, process. Loved the way that RB uses the six parts of the ensemble to create different atmospheres in the six parts of the work. There were extraordinary effects from the recorder player, ( didn't know you could get some of those noises out of recorder), and very creative use of the accordion. Richard's electronic creations were endlessly fascinating . Superb work from the stand in trumpet player, who has a lot to do. But all six players had to put in a creative shift in a work that is surely very demanding of their skills.

                      The concert was recorded for R3, presumably for H and N in the near future ?

                      I had the pleasure of meeting Richard after the concert, who made time for a quick chat. He was also kind enough to show me round his electronic kit, which was way above the call of duty, as he was just about to be interviewed by R3.
                      Thanks for the report, TS. V much looking forward to the b/cast, whenever it is.


                      • Richard Barrett
                        • Jan 2016
                        • 6259

                        Thanks to you people for being at the concerts. It was very nice to meet teamsaint and have a chat & it would have been nice to meet the other forum members who came along, please come and say hello next time!

                        I think the last concert at Oxford this evening was the best of the three, which I was of course hoping for on account of the R3 recording (which will probably go out some time in the summer, I'm told). Apart from all the musicians with whom it was a privilege to work (& be married to in one case) the technical people in all of the concerts shouldn't be forgotten, since in all three cases they managed to achieve such impressive results without having ever heard the music before, which is no mean feat given the complexity of what's going on. It's been particularly gratifying to hear from many people that they appreciated the way instruments and electronics worked together, because of course that aspect is quite central to the music, and in the end, sitting on the stage rather than behind the mixer, one simply has to trust the sound engineer to understand the intention and bring it across.

                        Now for an early night before driving the tour bus to Limehouse (to give back the harp) and then Heathrow. I think I shall take a day off on Monday.


                        • Joseph K
                          • Oct 2017
                          • 7765

                          Originally posted by Richard Barrett View Post
                          Thanks to you people for being at the concerts. It was very nice to meet teamsaint and have a chat & it would have been nice to meet the other forum members who came along, please come and say hello next time!
                          I went over for a chat but you walked away, probably coincidentally. :p But I told Milana it was very good and left... not sure what else I'd say really, but yes, next time.


                          • Richard Barrett
                            • Jan 2016
                            • 6259

                            Originally posted by Joseph K View Post
                            I went over for a chat but you walked away, probably coincidentally.
                            Sorry! It was absolutely nothing to do with you (I spotted you before the concert began, outside the window, and I would have been happy to let you in to hear the rehearsal). After the concert someone came up who for reasons I won't bore you with had recently really annoyed me, so I gave him a small piece of my mind and went off immediately lest I lose my temper and cause a "scene"! Anyway, next time, as you say.


                            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                              Gone fishin'
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 30163

                              Originally posted by Joseph K View Post
                              ... not sure what else I'd say really ...
                              Yes - that's always a problem, especially when the Music and performance is as deeply impressive as this: I know now that just "Thanks" would have done, but at the time I couldn't get my head around anything else.

                              And, Joseph, you're absolutely right about the "continuum of the acoustic instruments" - throughout the work, but take just one example: to imagine a duet between trumpet and accordion is unusual enough; but to produce Music that makes you wonder why on earth people haven't writing for this duet for decades ....
                              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                              • Beef Oven!
                                • Sep 2013
                                • 18147

                                Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                                Great stuff from Ensemble Studio6 at the City University Performance Space last evening, and to clear up any suggestion of scabbing by performers or audience, there was no lecturing (not even when Richard declared his support for the strike) and the event had been cleared with the UCU. Particular praise for trumpeter Nick Malcolm who had stepped in at the last moment when the U.K. authorities refused trumpeter Nenad Marković , co-founder of the Ensemble, a visa. Stirling work from Nick Malcolm who had but one week and one rehearsal to prepare for last night's performance in which he played in four of the six pieces which make up close-up. Do make the Oxford performance on Saturday if you can. I can't, but will be at iklectik for the Eddie Prevost Trio that night.
                                Looks like I missed a superb concert. I enjoyed the last RB gig in London so much, I'm sure I'd have loved this one. Oh well, next time.

