I better begin ones on Bantock & Bax!
New Sub-Forum: Composers
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Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostI better begin ones on Bantock & Bax!
- just joshing, Bbm; do, please.
Meanwhile - where's the Poulenc Thread, ts?[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostI discovered I had a new superpower ... there'll be no stopping me now!
Except that I can't change the way they appear on the "index/contents" list without changing the name of the Thread from that which the original poster gave it - and I think that that would be an excessive abuse of my new superpowers which I've sworn only to use in the fight against evil. Not to mention a diabolical liberty!
I'm sure that the friendly folk on here (even if they started the threads) would not object to some (school) uniformity (tuck that shirt tail in, Bach Minor!) and allow you free rein; not so sure about the unfriendly folk though!
Go on, be a devil; you know you want to, really.
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostExisting Threads are being copied to the new Forum - there are about twenty Bruckner Threads around in the Waiting Room (and many many thanks to Andrew for all his work so far).
Originally posted by Dave2002 View PostAre threads being copied, or moved? The concepts are a bit different, and the consequences also.
The next stage will be to go through other Threads and isolate any posts which contain interesting information about composers, which would not be clear from the Thread title. These posts will be copied and moved to here - so that some posts will appear twice in different "folders". All suggestions from Forumistas for such individual posts will be gratefully accepted - and, of course, some such posts will be overlooked in the urban sprawl of the Forum archives.
New Threads on composers Forumistas wish to start can be done so whenever they so wish; indeed, I am delighted to see that this has already started to happen. teamsaint's Poulenc Thread is eagerly anticipated, as (no doubt) are Bbm's Bantock and/or Bax Threads by many Forumistas. New contributions to old Threads are also very welcome - as are Forumistas' contributions to the new Threads.
For now, I'm avoiding Threads/Posts dedicated specifically to concerts/broadcasts/recordings of individual works, as these are easily found in the various already-existing sub-Forums - but some of these posts might be copied here where they raise matters that might be useful to highlight about the composer(s) concerned.
The new Forum will provide an Index so that discussions about individual composers can be more quickly found, it highlights specific topics about composers, and it encourages discussion of individual composers whose work isn't the immediate subject of performance and/or recording. Any Forumista unsure where to post a new Thread can basically post it on any suitable sub-Forum - if any Admin is seen by other Forumistas to be required, I shall look after it.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Postferney - big thanks for all your work (and whoever else behind the scenes!), looking great.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostJust browsing through the composers list etc... excellent work, yes... great idea & execution, thanks...(Actually, once I'd persuaded myself that I wasn't going to lose Threads in cyberspace, I went bananas transferring them. They're getting a little unwieldy - I'm going to see if there can be "folders" of Threads, each self-contained, but under a general heading of (say) "Bruckner" on this sub-Forum. The main point is to make the posts easier to find than was the case when they appeared under the different sub-Forum headings. That seems to be working.)
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]