Martinů, Bohuslav (1890-1959)
Originally posted by Master Jacques View work out the postage by weight, so the more you buy, the better the deal. I usually wait until there are a batch of four or so recordings I want (it doesn't take long!) and then plunge in.
Thank you for your nice message which explains me reason why more customers ordered in few hours one specific CD, although it is not new title.
Your parcel was send as first, more copies of Martinů 3CD set will be on stock today and then we imediately[sic] send rest orders other Martinů music lovers.
best wishes form autumn Prague and thank you also for promoting us,
My cz set isn't here yet of course, but do listen to this outstanding New Release I mentioned earlier today....
Listen to unlimited or download Dvořák & Martinů : Piano Concertos by Ivo Kahánek in Hi-Res quality on Qobuz. Subscription from £10.83/month.
Quite wonderful, dazzling, virtuoso and poetic reading of the Incantations.... orchestra and soloist almost outdoing each other, reaching ever higher, in their brilliance!
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostMine isn't here yet of course, but do listen to this outstanding New Release I mentioned earlier today....
Listen to unlimited or download Dvořák & Martinů : Piano Concertos by Ivo Kahánek in Hi-Res quality on Qobuz. Subscription from £10.83/month.
Quite wonderful, dazzling, virtuoso and poetic reading of the Incantations.... orchestra and soloist almost outdoing each other in their brilliance!
Originally posted by Pulcinella View PostNor mine (obviously), but Deezer has the new release too, so it's lined up for listening to once the workmen in the house have left/stopped drilling etc! Even Incantations can't compete against that din.
Originally posted by BBMmk2 View PostI have acquiainted myself with his Symphonies, I know his Piano Concertos now, so I think it’s time to know the other types of works he wrote.
Originally posted by BBMmk2 View PostI have acquiainted myself with his Symphonies, I know his Piano Concertos now, so I think it’s time to know the other types of works he wrote.
Les Fresques & Double Concerto?
Two wonderful recordings here, truly audiophile sound, but very different interpretively....
The Mackerras is on the ragged edge for ensemble occasionally but with such vivid immediate dynamic sound you won't mind!
De Preist more spacious and lyrical, seems cooler, a bit "dark" in balance initially, but at a higher volume it swirls around your room with scale and power (thunderous rumbling timps) soon learn to go with it.....
The Viola Rhapsody-Concerto on the BIS is a lovely, lyrical work.
So get both. Go on, you know you want to!
There are quite a few good stereo Frescoes....
Kout/Arte Nova and Ashkenazy/Ondine among them. Ancerl has an all-authentic timbre & intensity of course, but better sound and wider-ranging readings allow the music space to expand though climaxes and relax in its less intense moments, vital if Martinu isn't to become too relentless on the heart or ears....Last edited by jayne lee wilson; 03-10-19, 18:16.
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostLes Fresques & Double Concerto?
Two wonderful recordings here, truly audiophile sound, but very different interpretively....
The Mackerras is on the ragged edge for ensemble occasionally but with such vivid immediate dynamic sound you won't mind!
De Preist more spacious and lyrical, seems cooler, a bit "dark" in balance initially, but at a higher volume it swirls around your room with scale and power (thunderous rumbling timps) soon learn to go with it.....
The Viola Rhapsody-Concerto on the BIS is a lovely, lyrical work.
So get both. Go on, you know you want to!
There are quote a few good stereo Frescoes....
Kout/Arte Nova and Ashkenazy/Ondine among them. Ancerl has an all-authentic timbre & intensity of course, but better sound and wider-ranging readings allow the music space to expand though climaxes and relax in its less intense moments, vital if Martinu isn't to become too relentless on the heart or ears....
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostLes Fresques & Double Concerto?
Two wonderful recordings here, truly audiophile sound, but very different interpretively....
The Mackerras is on the ragged edge for ensemble occasionally but with such vivid immediate dynamic sound you won't mind!
De Preist more spacious and lyrical, seems cooler, a bit "dark" in balance initially, but at a higher volume it swirls around your room with scale and power (thunderous rumbling timps) soon learn to go with it.....
The Viola Rhapsody-Concerto on the BIS is a lovely, lyrical work.
So get both. Go on, you know you want to!
There are quite a few good stereo Frescoes....
Kout/Arte Nova and Ashkenazy/Ondine among them. Ancerl has an all-authentic timbre & intensity of course, but better sound and wider-ranging readings allow the music space to expand though climaxes and relax in its less intense moments, vital if Martinu isn't to become too relentless on the heart or ears....Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostTry this stunning dark horse.... wonderful recorded sound and performances which may, to say the least, put the sonically-hard-to-tolerate Ancerl (even on the Gold Edition) in a new perspective....powerful but with glittering transparency and a lovely lyrical feel. Hard to beat.
Listen to unlimited or download Martinu: Orchestral Works by Jiří Kout in Hi-Res quality on Qobuz. Subscription from £10.83/month.
This and the Ondine are my top two for the work.
I was never much taken with the supposedly legendary Turnovsky 4th (I don't like Martinu hard driven to max-intensity too relentlessly); my pet favourite is the early Panton Prague SO/Belohlavek one....
Sound a little dry, the symphonies each on a single track () but the 4th has a freshness and schwung JB never quite recaptured in his 3(!) later efforts, good as they are....
Another, very idiosyncratic one-off....
Sound may seem oddly dark at first, but whack up the volume and hope your system can cope with the Original Dynamics results!