Whilst driving home front the Midlands yesterday PM I came upon the BBCNOW concert recording of The Armed Man of Karl Jenkins. I did not know about this work [the old L'Homme Arme we came cross in Missa Papae Marcelli] and had not heard any of his music before. However I did know that he was classically trained under Hodinnott and had been a rock musician in Soft Machine all those years ago. I have to admit a certain prejudice when "Rock" people move into "classical" terrain!! My problem I know, and I know that he's got musical talent and technical skills but what I think I'm missing is the inspiration that marks out somene special?
As the piece progressed I was minded of War Requiem of course [ and even Haydn In Tempore Belli, but that's of a different scale and context] in its unusual layout. It's a substantial piece, descriptive of martial imagery and sonically impressive in parts but somehow it didn't seem to gel or culminate. Not in the same league as WR. Perhaps it was because I had to concentrate on driving and listening in cars isn't the most satisfying sonic experience.
Anyway what do others, particularly those musicians among you, think of his music and this piece in particular? I've ordered the CD to hear it again and give it time to tell.
Whilst we're at it are there any Rock types that have made a successful transition into the Classical domain without sounding too much like film music composers. Some recommended works would be good.
As the piece progressed I was minded of War Requiem of course [ and even Haydn In Tempore Belli, but that's of a different scale and context] in its unusual layout. It's a substantial piece, descriptive of martial imagery and sonically impressive in parts but somehow it didn't seem to gel or culminate. Not in the same league as WR. Perhaps it was because I had to concentrate on driving and listening in cars isn't the most satisfying sonic experience.
Anyway what do others, particularly those musicians among you, think of his music and this piece in particular? I've ordered the CD to hear it again and give it time to tell.
Whilst we're at it are there any Rock types that have made a successful transition into the Classical domain without sounding too much like film music composers. Some recommended works would be good.