Donald Macleod explores the music Purcell composed for all the monarchs he served.
Henry Purcell: 27 - 31/8/18
Originally posted by doversoul1 View PostDonald Macleod explores the music Purcell composed for all the monarchs he served.
... excellent - well, it's Purcell, innit.
But I wish our Donald had got it right for Z340 yesterday - it's "Welcome, vicegerent of the mighty King... " not "...viceregent".
It's a common mistake, and a good example of the merits of lectio difficilior * in literary studies - you're more likely to 'correct' (wrongly) to a more common word than to an uncommon word. But we still love our Donald. And more importantly, Purcell...
.Last edited by vinteuil; 19-09-17, 15:27.
This might be tantamount to treason but I do wonder how much praise should be levelled at DM's door (Donald Macleod, not Doc Marten for Underthecountertenor's benefit- if he's reading) rather than his team of able researchers.
I realise DM is a national treasure, but I find I grind my teeth more and more at the by now customary drop in the voice, the little quiver, as the COTW's life inevitably draws to a close (bound to be shed loads of pathos at Purcell's early demise); or the confessional "if like me, you knew nothing about the music of x (x= 20th century avant garde composer)..."
Originally posted by Sir Velo View PostThis might be tantamount to treason but I do wonder how much praise should be levelled at DM's door (Donald Macleod, not Doc Marten for Underthecountertenor's benefit- if he's reading)
I'm surprised, incidentally, that no-one has mentioned the c-bomb that was dropped at about 12.25 pm on Radio 3 on Thursday. And it had nothing to do with the Health Secretary.
Originally posted by doversoul1 View Post[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]