Georg Philipp Telemann: 19 – 23 June

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  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    The Sony Telemann Masterworks box looks relatively comprehensive but there are too many duplications or less attractive recordings in there to tempt me.

    For anyone who is tempted, this looks like the best price at the moment.
    Last edited by Bryn; 19-06-17, 11:27. Reason: Update.


    • ferneyhoughgeliebte
      Gone fishin'
      • Sep 2011
      • 30163

      Originally posted by Richard Barrett View Post
      ... so much beautiful music (though, to be fair, quite a lot of run-of-the-mill music too)
      Well, there was certainly quite a bit of the latter on today's first programme - quite the sort of thing that's always put me off investigating this composer further: a bland - some might say "generic" - Baroquerie, more (to take up the Rock comparison) Brotherhood of Man than Mothers of Invention. I was sorely tempted to cancel my recent CD orders ...

      ... and then came the orchestral suite/Overture with Jacobs directing the performance: "engaging", inventive, invigorating ... I found it completely captivating. More like this and I can see I'll become a fan!
      Last edited by ferneyhoughgeliebte; 19-06-17, 13:31.
      [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


      • Bryn
        • Mar 2007
        • 24688

        Anyone willing to make do with 256kbps vbr mp3s might like to chance the Brilliant Classics Telemann Edition Vol. 1 (50 CDs worth) on Surely it must be worth the £7.99 asking price. The liner notes can be downloaded from here.

        [Aha!. Turns out the 'digital' (i.e. mp3) version is of just the first 8 CDs of the boxed set. Quite a con!]
        Last edited by Bryn; 19-06-17, 12:44.


        • vinteuil
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 13207


          ... I have the 50 CD box from brilliant,

          which I got from for some 60 euros in April 2016. It's a useful collection with some pleasant performances - but it's not on a par with the offerings from AAM Berlin or Musica Antiqua Koln.




          • Bryn
            • Mar 2007
            • 24688

            Originally posted by vinteuil View Post

            ... I have the 50 CD box from brilliant,

            which I got from for some 60 euros in April 2016. It's a useful collection with some pleasant performances - but it's not on a par with the offerings from AAM Berlin or Musica Antiqua Koln.


            No indeed. As it happens I already had the music which is included in the decidedly partial mp3 offering. They are all in the 10 CD Brilliant Classics Telemann Masterworks box (which also has the Matthew Passion. A 'phone call to Amazon quickly got me a refund of the £7.99. The misleading pages and will be referred to their web team.


            • Pulcinella
              • Feb 2014
              • 11393

              The only Telemann knowingly in my collection is the viola concerto and other works, in a Naxos compilation:
              Telemann: Concerto TWV 51:G9 in G major for viola, strings & b.c., etc.. Naxos: 8550156. Buy CD online.

              and this 4CD set of Der getreuer Music-Meister (in a different incarnation, which I confess to not having listened to in its entirety):

              Anyone know these works/recordings?
              Looks like he's a composer whose music I should get to know better.


              • doversoul1
                Ex Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 7132

                I may be misremembering but in the early days of this forum, Telemann, along with Vivaldi, would more likely to have appeared in the Musical Confessions thread and Composer of the Week on Telemann would have been politely tolerated. There must be many factors that have brought the change but where the forum is concerned, I salute Beefy for bravely starting the Vivaldi and the What Baroque… threads.

                This is still available, just. Interesting comments on Telemann’s music from Ashley Solomon, the director of Florilegium .


                • Richard Barrett
                  • Jan 2016
                  • 6259

                  Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post
                  The only Telemann knowingly in my collection is the viola concerto and other works, in a Naxos compilation:
                  Telemann: Concerto TWV 51:G9 in G major for viola, strings & b.c., etc.. Naxos: 8550156. Buy CD online.

                  and this 4CD set of Der getreuer Music-Meister (in a different incarnation, which I confess to not having listened to in its entirety):

                  Anyone know these works/recordings?
                  Looks like he's a composer whose music I should get to know better.
                  I don't know that Naxos compilation but all the works on it are fairly well-known, by Telemann standards at least. The viola concerto is a masterpiece to be sure. As for the Musik-Meister there are some lovely little things in it like a sonata for pardessus de viole and a piece for panpipes. I got to know that recording many years ago in the LP epoch, but the last time I heard it I was struck by the ponderousness of its early-HIPP performances - how times change. There's another recording by Camerata Köln, but it isn't as complete and substitutions are made for many of the more obscure instruments (as no doubt they would have been in the 18th century!).


                  • MickyD
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 4947

                    Originally posted by Richard Barrett View Post
                    Well that would really be the ideal introduction to his work. I almost wish I didn't have all of those CDs and could discover them for the first time! - although the comments mention shoddy packaging and no liner notes, which is a shame, Reinhard Goebel could always be trusted to have an original and fascinating view of things.
                    I have to say that those remarks about shoddy packaging and no liner notes would really put me off of that box, however much of a bargain it is. I'm lucky in that I already have all of the discs in their original incarnations.

                    I must say that this vintage AAM disc has always been a great favourite of mine, well worth acquiring:


                    • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                      Gone fishin'
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 30163

                      Originally posted by doversoul1 View Post
                      I may be misremembering but in the early days of this forum, Telemann, along with Vivaldi, would more likely to have appeared in the Musical Confessions thread and Composer of the Week on Telemann would have been politely tolerated. There must be many factors that have brought the change but where the forum is concerned, I salute Beefy for bravely starting the Vivaldi and the What Baroque… threads.
                      I don't know about "this Forum" - but perhaps the old BBC Messageboards? For myself, Vivaldi has been transformed by performances and recordings made in the last 15 or so years. His Music now sounds to me more of an original voice - less "sounding rather like a less-impressive Handel" of recordings from the '80s & '90s, and even less like the way Bach used to be performed in the '60s & '70s (ie, as if it were Brahms). A real revelation to me - which I'm hoping will also be the case with Telemann this year - and I join you in saluting BeefO (who I believe has chosen the warmest weeks in the UK this year to take a holiday abroad!) for starting the Threads with their impressive range of recording recommendations thereon.
                      [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                      • Bryn
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 24688

                        Originally posted by MickyD View Post
                        I have to say that those remarks about shoddy packaging and no liner notes would really put me off of that box, however much of a bargain it is. I'm lucky in that I already have all of the discs in their original incarnations.

                        I must say that this vintage AAM disc has always been a great favourite of mine, well worth acquiring:

                        Also to be found in the L'oiseau-lyre Baroque Era box, which sadly seems to have become something of a rarity, with consequent greatly inflated price.


                        • Quarky
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 2685

                          Do my ears deceive me?

                          Les Janissaires? Classical Music? This guy really rocks!

                          Telemann may be the composer for our current age?


                          • jayne lee wilson
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 10711

                            Excellent Collection piece by David Vickers in Gramophone this month on the Telemann Musique de Table/Tafelmusik...


                            Historic Innovation:
                            Schola Cantorum Basiliensis/Wenzinger (Decca Eloquence 1964/5)

                            Dazzling Musicianship:
                            Musica Antiqua
                            Köln/Goebel (Archiv 1988)

                            Abundant Illumination:
                            CMW/Harnoncourt (Teldec/Warners 1986/8)

                            But the Top Choice was the recent:
                            Freiburg Baroque O./Petra Müllejans, von der Goltz (HM 2009)
                            Last edited by jayne lee wilson; 20-06-17, 20:36.


                            • MickyD
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 4947

                              Even all those years ago, I simply couldn't choose between the versions of Tafelmusik by Goebel and Harnoncourt, so I bought them both, at great expense! But they are indispensable in their own ways. Haven't heard the newer Freiburgers....


                              • vinteuil
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 13207

                                Originally posted by MickyD View Post
                                Even all those years ago, I simply couldn't choose between the versions of Tafelmusik by Goebel and Harnoncourt, so I bought them both, at great expense! But they are indispensable in their own ways. Haven't heard the newer Freiburgers....
                                ... o, you must get the Freiburgers. No, but really, you must -

                                Last edited by vinteuil; 20-06-17, 21:44.

