For all Liszt's immeasurable importance in the History of Music, and acknowledging the remarkable harmonic innovations in his Music ... there's so little of it that I actually enjoy hearing. The Symphonic Poems played in today's edition of CotW demonstrate what I find his least appealing: "samey" structural and instrumental features, repetitive rhythms, unappealing melodies - and a lot of noise to cover up the Musical deficiencies. There are some works by this composer that I greatly admire (the B minor Sonata, the Faust Symphony, the pieces in the Anees de Pelirinage, the shorter late pieces) - but what was played today seemed like a pale but noisy shadow of what those works achieved.
Apparently this week's programmes are going to be devoted to the 13 Symphonic Poems. I shall listen in hope, but I think I'm going to have a painful five hours ahead of me.
Apparently this week's programmes are going to be devoted to the 13 Symphonic Poems. I shall listen in hope, but I think I'm going to have a painful five hours ahead of me.