Hoping for a Petrushka concert review of last Thursdays Barbican concert.
Bernard Haitink at 85 - and Beyond.
Originally posted by Alison View PostHoping for a Petrushka concert review of last Thursdays Barbican concert.
Now 90, Haitink is a bit shaky on his legs and used a walking stick to leave and return to the platform once or twice. He sat for most of the Mahler but otherwise was as alert s ever.
Haitink has been part of my concert-going life since 1978 and I was in reflective mood at the end of the concert realising that this could be the last concert I see him give. His sabbatical next year could well be his way of bowing out. Inevitably, then my mind went back to the first occasion I saw him, March 5 1978 in Manchester with the LPO in a concert that included the Elgar 2.
My contribution to that standing ovation was my way of saying 'Thank you' for the many unforgettable concerts over the past 41 years."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
I've not seen Haitink conduct since around 2000. He was still very much a part of musical life when I lived in London.
I remember him as having some very interesting mannerisms on the podium: he often reminded me of an extremely well-bred gentleman trying to politely correct the table-manners of a bunch of oafs. Other Netherlanders who have worked in Britain's capital may have understood how he felt.....
Originally posted by Alison View PostThanks Pet, only wish I could have been there. I Expect the ovation was very moving.
Maybe there’ll be a Prom for one more London appearance.
May I humbly recommend a much better source of the news, namely an article by Guido van Oorschot in De Volksrant where GvO interviewed Haitink:
The article quotes Haitink (Google translation follows, lightly paraphrased):
"‘Luister even. Ik ben 90. En als ik zeg dat ik een sabbatical neem, dan is dat omdat ik niet wil zeggen: ik houd op. Ik heb geen zin in al die officiële afscheidsdingen, maar het is een feit dat ik niet meer zal dirigeren.’"
("Listen. I'm 90. And when I say I take a sabbatical, it's because I don't want to say: I'm stopping. I don't feel like making all those official goodbyes, but the fact is that I will no longer conduct.")
This is actually a good reminder to get up early on Saturday to tune in. BTW, his RFO concert this weekend is sold out ("Uitverkocht"):
De akoestiek van Het Concertgebouw is wereldberoemd. Naast het aanbod van meer dan 700 concerten vindt u ook een keuzehulp en inspiratie. Ontdek het allemaal!
Still some tickets for his 1st Lucerne concert with the COE:
Tickets for his Lucerne VPO concert are gone, though:
If you want to catch him in Salzburg, though, there might still be a chance:
KARTEN & PROGRAMM - Vienna Philharmonic · Haitink • Salzburg Festival 2019 • Works by Ludwig von Beethoven and Anton Bruckner
Seats for his VPO Prom @ the RAH are gone, but by the law of averages, a few seats will open up closer to the date (and you guys can Prom, of course, with appropriate planning):
Interestingly, at the end of the article, BH says that he could possibly be available in case of a dire emergency somewhere:
"Mocht ergens de nood aan de man zijn, misschien kan ik dan inspringen. Maar of ik het doe hangt af van zo veel factoren. Het programma, de repetitietijd, de afstand. Naar Amerika vlieg ik bijvoorbeeld niet meer. Maar eerlijk gezegd: als ik eenmaal ben gestopt, geloof ik niet dat ik het nog kan, dirigeren."
("If there is a need for somewhere, maybe I can respond. But whether I do it depends on so many factors. The program, the rehearsal time, the distance. For example, I no longer fly to America. But to be honest: once I quit, I don't believe I can still do it.")Last edited by bluestateprommer; 12-06-19, 13:32.
"Interestingly, at the end of the article, BH says that he could possibly be available in case of a dire emergency somewhere..."
Given he lives in London, London would appear to be the best hope of this...
Perhaps he could step in to conduct the odd Prom in future? Keep his hand in. Once a year!
Originally posted by Prommer View Post"Interestingly, at the end of the article, BH says that he could possibly be available in case of a dire emergency somewhere..."
Given he lives in London, London would appear to be the best hope of this...
Perhaps he could step in to conduct the odd Prom in future? Keep his hand in. Once a year!
It does look as if Darkbloom had it right in #66 and that the 'sabbatical' was Haitink's self-effacing way of bowing out. It will be very difficult facing a concert season without his presence.
I also have my ticket for the VPO Prom on September 3 and earnestly hope that Haitink will be well enough to conduct."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
Originally posted by Prommer View PostGiven he lives in London, London would appear to be the best hope of this...
From the Dutch newspaper Trouw today, Peter van der Lint takes up the thread from GvO, so to speak, with a bit of wry comment on the Volksrant article:
"Van Haitink is bekend dat hij officiële plichtplegingen het liefst uit de weg gaat, en van bijzondere gala-afscheidsconcerten met loftuitingen en laudatio’s niets moet hebben.
De ironie is dat met Haitinks onthulling in de Volkskrant alle nog komende concerten juist wél dat karakter krijgen, en dat hij daar nog harder zal worden toegejuicht dan normaal al het geval is. Het is misschien tekenend voor de dubbele houding die de dirigent altijd tegenover zijn beroep heeft gehad – ‘als je het al een beroep kunt noemen’, zei hij er ooit over."
"It is known that Haitink prefers to avoid official duties, and that he should have nothing to do with special gala farewell concerts with lofty expressions and praise.
The irony is that with Haitink's statement in De Volkskrant, all the upcoming concerts will actually get that character, and that he will be cheered even harder there than is normally the case. It is perhaps indicative of the double attitude that the conductor has always had towards his profession - "if you can call it a profession," he once said."