Ye gods, do these vary! I paid £0.50 for a ticket at LSO St.Luke's, and they hadn't automatically set the new 'donation' check box to £3.00 (tut tut, Wigmore Hall). In fact, it was at zero.
Today, I was looking into screenings of Glyndebourn's Tristan und Isolde. The Stables in Milton Keynes offers two prices (£10, £12) but, sweet Mammon, the fees!
'Booking Fees of £1.80 per ticket plus a Transaction Fee of £2.80 apply'. A whopping £6.40 on top of the tickets!
Well, I wrote to tell them what I thought of that. Let's just say the air turned a deeper shade of cobalt, though perhaps they aren't familiar with Captain Grose's 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue and will think I'm complimenting them.

Today, I was looking into screenings of Glyndebourn's Tristan und Isolde. The Stables in Milton Keynes offers two prices (£10, £12) but, sweet Mammon, the fees!
'Booking Fees of £1.80 per ticket plus a Transaction Fee of £2.80 apply'. A whopping £6.40 on top of the tickets!
Well, I wrote to tell them what I thought of that. Let's just say the air turned a deeper shade of cobalt, though perhaps they aren't familiar with Captain Grose's 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue and will think I'm complimenting them.
