Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte
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Elgar, the BBCSO and Bernstein...
Originally posted by makropulos View PostI don't think you have, I'm afraid. The performance at the RFH in the "Enigma" concert was described as the first European performance –so "1980" is incorrect. It was 14 April 1982 (and Paul Hudson sang in it).- ah well, back to square one!
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
I have not bought the DVD but the discussion inspired me to shell out 24 pence for a copy of the CD version of the BBCSO/Bernstein Elgar .
It is an extraordinary performance but it is not the slow Nimrod that irks me about it . In fact , although slow it is far less maudlin and saccharine than many of the funereal in style as distinct from length performances I have heard. There is a true nobilmente about it - well to my ears anyway and I wonder if that is what Menuhin was getting at.
Frankly , I found the tempo for the theme and for CAE harder to deal with - just sluggish .
There are parts of it that strike me as superb . Troyte in particular, W.N albeit slowish is just lovely - though Dorabella sounds a bit like she has put on weight.
Fascinating though and well worth 24 p !
Originally posted by Barbirollians View PostFascinating though and well worth 24 p !- the recording was amongst my very first batch of CDs that I bought back in 1985 (from Charing Cross Records). It wasn't as convincing as the Live performance, I thought, and when I "downsized" ten years later (one of my more foolish decisions) it was one of the discs that I decided I could do without. Unlike Alpie, I have frequently regreted doing this, and have occasionally wanted to hear it again, partly for the "good bits" (I agree about Troyte) but also for the bizarre moments. If I see one for 24p (and can help a few aged whilst so doing) I shall get it, but I'm very tempted by this DVD - and only 58 days until Christmas.
Now - if I could only nail the Songfest broadcast ...[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]