Sokolov is a new pianist to me and I have been working through his discs on Naive of live recordings. I like his Chopin, his Beethoven, but his Brahms Ballades really don't penetrate the works like Michelangeli (DG).
Which pianist do you like in certain repertoire? Who do you turn to for Schubert, Bach, Chopin?
I'll start with a first few:
Brahms - Ballades - Michelangeli
Beethoven - Arrau, Gilels, Pollini, Solomon, Sokolov
Chopin - Etudes - Pollini (but a Gavilov disc is also special)
Chopin - Preludes - Francois, Solokov (v. special live disc!)
Debussy - Preludes, Images - Michelangeli
Ravel - Louis Lortie
Sokolov is a new pianist to me and I have been working through his discs on Naive of live recordings. I like his Chopin, his Beethoven, but his Brahms Ballades really don't penetrate the works like Michelangeli (DG).
Which pianist do you like in certain repertoire? Who do you turn to for Schubert, Bach, Chopin?
I'll start with a first few:
Brahms - Ballades - Michelangeli
Beethoven - Arrau, Gilels, Pollini, Solomon, Sokolov
Chopin - Etudes - Pollini (but a Gavilov disc is also special)
Chopin - Preludes - Francois, Solokov (v. special live disc!)
Debussy - Preludes, Images - Michelangeli
Ravel - Louis Lortie