Men make Better Conductors

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  • jean
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 7100

    Originally posted by Mary Chambers View Post
    I'll still go to his concerts!
    Me too, Mary.

    (The English-language Norwegian source I found had sweet, not cute. Not sure how much difference that makes!)


    • jean
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 7100

      Originally posted by Barbirollians View Post
      I should like to see the whole of this article properly translated before passing comment.
      As I pointed out it's not an article, but an interview.

      The bit under discussion is this:

      Petrenkos kvinnesyn: - Ekstremt og fornærmende - Jeg tror at når kvinner får familier blir det vanskelig å være så dedikert som bransjen krever. En annen side er at orkestermusikere reagerer bedre på å ha en mann foran seg. De har ofte mindre seksuell energi og kan fokusere mer på musikken. En søt jente på podiet gjør at tankene går mot noe annet, sier Vasily Petrenko.

      I found a Norwegian, and he translated it thus:

      Petrenko's view of women - extreme and insulting. I think when women have families it is difficult for them to be as dedicated as the profession requires. Another aspect is that orchestra musicians react better having a man before them. They often have less sexual energy and can focus more on the music. A sweet girl on the podium can lead to one's thoughts being led elsewhere, says Vasily Petrenko.

      Which (sadly) isn't much different from the English versions we've been offered in the press.

      If only he'd been in a position to say I never said any of that!

      (søt is clearly cognate with sweet, but whether the connotations are the same I couldn't say.)


      • french frank
        • Feb 2007
        • 30742

        Originally posted by jean View Post
        Which (sadly) isn't much different from the English versions we've been offered in the press.
        It's also almost word for word what was on the artsjournal website. It was an interview, as you say, not an article : "Among other topics, they [Petrenko and another newly appointed conductor] were asked why men continue to dominate the world of conductors."

        Another explanation would be that he was just stuck to come up with an answer ... why should he be particularly competent to explain?
        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


        • jean
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 7100

          Thank goodness we didn't ask him any trick questions like that when he first came to Liverpool - he might have been out on his ear before we'd even registered what a prize we'd got!


          • Barbirollians
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 11945

            I suppose therefore if he is stating that this is the approach in Russia that changes the context significantly

            1 If Russia's orchestras don't allow family friendly policies

            2 The sexist approach of Russian male musicians to female conductors

            What is the meaning of the opening words " extreme and insulting " the intreviewer's assessment of Petrenko's views or Petrenko's assessment of Russian male musicians .

            It does seem very out of kilter with his interviews in the UK , the number of female musicians in the RLPO and in my experience the high number of female soloists engaged by the orchestra.


            • amateur51

              Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
              I thought this was old news - he retracted it the following day.
              Oh well that's all right then


              • amateur51

                Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                A, why is it that when I read one of your posts, I hear it in my head in Dalek?
                Tinnitus perhaps?


                • ahinton
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 16123

                  At the risk of crossing the border between this thread and another current one on this forum, one might be forgiven for wondering what VP might think of gay conductors and their possible effect upon orchesral musicians - as applies in Russia only, of course...

                  That said, I have as much admiration for VP's conducting as anyone, on the strength of such as I've heard from him.


                  • ahinton
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 16123

                    Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                    Tinnitus perhaps?
                    Or maybe it's something to do with the head being in the now exclamatory oven at the time. Who knows? Does it matter to anyone else here?


                    The price of beef, the price of fish
                    Are quite enough to make one wish
                    For answers straight and evidence
                    Instead of sitting on the fence.

                    (from Pam’s Airs, Foible & Fable, London, c.2013, p.51)


                    • amateur51

                      Originally posted by ahinton View Post
                      Or maybe it's something to do with the head being in the now exclamatory oven at the time. Who knows? Does it matter to anyone else here?


                      The price of beef, the price of fish
                      Are quite enough to make one wish
                      For answers straight and evidence
                      Instead of sitting on the fence.

                      (from Pam’s Airs, Foible & Fable, London, c.2013, p.51)
                      Good to see you escaping the grip of e.e.cummings, ahinton


                      • MrGongGong
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 18357

                        Originally Posted by Beef Oven!

                        A, why is it that when I read one of your posts, I hear it in my head in Dalek?
                        Tinnitus perhaps?


                        • ahinton
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 16123

                          Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                          Good to see you escaping the grip of e.e.cummings, ahinton
                          ...but at the same time not lapsing into Belloc(quence) as another member implied not long ago...


                          • jean
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 7100

                            A brief interview with Marin Alsop on Today on R4 this morning at about 8.50 - she was asked if she'd spoken to Vasily Petrenko about his comments and she said she hadn't had time.

                            She added that she knew all about remarks being taken out of context, and that she couldn't imagine that was really how he thought.


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30742

                              Originally posted by jean View Post
                              She added that she knew all about remarks being taken out of context, and that she couldn't imagine that was really how he thought.
                              She'll never make a journalist!
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                              • amateur51

                                All best wishes to Marin Alsop for tonight's big event - she'll be fine, I bet

