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  • MrGongGong
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 18357

    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    When the Third Programme started they just called it "good music"

    Don't shoot the messenger ...
    I'm not going to
    but some of it is shite
    (IMV of course )


    • french frank
      • Feb 2007
      • 29932

      Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
      It's interesting that this organisation

      Study at LCCM, the specialist higher education college for creative people. We are the only independent college in the UK offering degrees in music, and creative entrepreneurship.

      has absolutely nothing to do with Reich, Electroacoustics, Jonathan Harvey, H&N , HCMF etc etc etc
      Under Courses it says: "The extensive repertoire covers all forms of popular music including Jazz and original writing"
      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


      • JFLL
        Full Member
        • Jan 2011
        • 780

        Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
        "Classical" music needs to ditch the word "Classical" (sadly) ........ a while ago I was running a composition workshop with musicians from one of the London orchestras, I asked them what was the first word that came into their minds when I said the phase "Classical Music" ..... and to be really honest about it
        the overwhelming response was that the word was "Boring"
        nothing to do with what it sounds like or anything
        BUT when the bell rings dogs salivate when the word "Classical" appears the B word comes to mind

        I love many pieces of "Classical Music" but this "Battle" is lost , we need to get over it and find other ways of describing what we listen to and play
        I'm a bit surprised at that, because, whatever the musicians felt, I doubt whether it’s just the word ‘classical’ that has connotations of boredom to most people, particularly young people. It’s the thing itself – the music of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven et al., incredible as that seems to us. It’s old, not contemporary, ‘irrelevant’, written mainly by dead white males. The whole Zeitgeist is against it, in other words. I don’t think young people would be fooled by some sleight-of-hand like calling it something more cool, because you can’t get more uncool than liking something old, whatever it’s called. In the past I don’t think there was nearly the same animus against old things, which may have started in the 50s (remember 'Roll Over Beethoven'?) Likewise with dress. Most chamber musicians, for example, now sport anything but formal dress (I've an idea the Lindsays led the way), but I doubt whether more relaxed dress brings in more young people.


        • MrGongGong
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 18357

          Originally posted by JFLL View Post
          I'm a bit surprised at that, because, whatever the musicians felt, I doubt whether it’s just the word ‘classical’ that has connotations of boredom to most people, particularly young people. It’s the thing itself – the music of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven et al.,
          My experience is exactly the opposite
          it's like the responses at CE
          Nothing to do with the SOUND of the music , the thing itself as you put it
          it's just just what you say when someone says
          "what do you think of classical music"


          • doversoul1
            Ex Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 7132

            Originally Posted by MrGongGong
            "Classical" music needs to ditch the word "Classical" (sadly) ........ a while ago I was running a composition workshop with musicians from one of the London orchestras, I asked them what was the first word that came into their minds when I said the phase "Classical Music" ..... and to be really honest about it
            the overwhelming response was that the word was "Boring"
            nothing to do with what it sounds like or anything
            It only tells you that the people on the course knew, obviously knowing where you (musically) came from, how best to answer in order to avoid yet another lecture about sonic and semiotics and what’s the other one… acoustic? Or, it may just be possible that they meant your question was that.

            "Classical Music" often does itself no favours at all by creating impressions that somehow it's a secret club or that one needs to "understand" it.
            This is the view usually created or held by those who don’t listen to classical music. There is not much ‘classical music’ can do if those who don’t like it believe that it’s the fault of ‘classical music’.

            I am well aware of your commitment to ‘wider’ music education, which is great. But can you not try disseminating your idea about music without always making some unfavourable comments about ‘classical music’? Can’t it (your idea of music) stand on its own?

            Incidentally, I don’t think you can say that people experience classical music by hearing a piece of Mahler as the soundtrack of a film or as a ringtone. You don’t ‘experience’ a great work of art by seeing greeting cards and printed T-shirts.


            • MrGongGong
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 18357

              Originally posted by doversoul View Post
              It only tells you that the people on the course knew, obviously knowing where you (musically) came from, how best to answer in order to avoid yet another lecture about sonic and semiotics and what’s the other one… acoustic? Or, it may just be possible that they meant your question was that.
              No , sorry matey you are simply wrong about this
              you really don't know where I'm "coming from" do you
              music is a SONIC art , what's the problem with that ?

              This is the view usually created or held by those who don’t listen to classical music. .
              This really is nonsense


              • doversoul1
                Ex Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 7132

                Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                music is a SONIC art , what's the problem with that ?
                This does (tell where you come from).


                • MrGongGong
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 18357

                  Originally posted by doversoul View Post
                  This does (tell where you come from).
                  Yes it probably does
                  i'm a musician
                  I write and direct music
                  and other things

                  The point is that the names we give things and their associations don't necessarily have a direct connection to what they really are
                  people SAY that "classical" music is "boring" but that's got little to do with what it SOUNDS like
                  that , to me, is curious and interesting and worth exploring in some depth


                  • Mary Chambers
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 1963

                    Originally posted by salymap View Post
                    I have a feeling that we thought/talked about SERIOUS and POPULAR in the 50s, rather thn 'Classical'. Or perhaps 'Light' for the latter category.
                    We just called what is now called classical music 'music'. (I still do.) Music meant 'classical' music. Other types were light music, rock and roll and possibly pop, though I'm not sure when that term began to be used. It is only fairly recently that Amazon has changed its categories from Music and Popular Music to Music and Classical Music. The word 'music' that used to mean classical now means popular!


                    • MrGongGong
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 18357

                      Originally posted by Mary Chambers View Post
                      The word 'music' that used to mean classical now means popular!
                      and the word "song" means "music"
                      which I hate but some things are not worth fighting


                      • Beef Oven

                        Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                        ........ a while ago I was running a composition workshop with musicians from one of the London orchestras, I asked them what was the first word that came into their minds when I said the phase "Classical Music" ..... and to be really honest about it
                        the overwhelming response was that the word was "Boring"
                        nothing to do with what it sounds like or anything
                        BUT when the bell rings dogs salivate when the word "Classical" appears the B word comes to mind
                        You asked the question, and got an answer. Then what? Did you work it through with them, or collude?



                        • MrGongGong
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 18357

                          Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                          You asked the question, and got an answer. Then what? Did you work it through with them, or collude?


                          We talked about how language can enthuse or alienate
                          my own experience is that if you use language that initially alienates people you are on to a looser
                          if you get people passionate about how music sounds they then become surprised that it is something that they would normally dismiss without having experience of hearing
                          I don't need to "sell" classical music to professional orchestral players , they know more about it than I do

                          as i'm sure you know
                          once you realise that Rammstein and Schubert have fundamental similarities then it becomes so much clearer


                          • Beef Oven

                            Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post

                            We talked about how language can enthuse or alienate
                            my own experience is that if you use language that initially alienates people you are on to a looser
                            if you get people passionate about how music sounds they then become surprised that it is something that they would normally dismiss without having experience of hearing
                            I don't need to "sell" classical music to professional orchestral players , they know more about it than I do
                            Hmmm. Some big challenges. Orchestral players who find classical boring, and everyone else hates Metal Machine Music. Maybe we can meet half-way with ReoSpeedForeigner?


                            • JFLL
                              Full Member
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 780

                              Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                              My experience is exactly the opposite
                              it's like the responses at CE
                              Nothing to do with the SOUND of the music , the thing itself as you put it
                              it's just just what you say when someone says
                              "what do you think of classical music"
                              No, it’s not the sound, it’s the concept (not the word) that seems to put many people off, before they ever get to concentrating on the sound – the notion that it’s old, outdated etc. I’m surprised that the first word that came into the heads of orchestral musicians on a composition course, when you said ‘classical music’, was ‘boring’. What exactly did they mean – ‘I think classical music is boring’, ‘I think the term ‘classical music’ is boring’, ‘I think classical music is boring when compared with contemporary music’, ‘Most people think classical music is boring’ etc.? I hope I’m not caricaturing your question to them, but I’m not sure that holding up a term and eliciting a Pavlovian reaction is useful with human beings (as opposed to dogs).


                              • MrGongGong
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 18357

                                Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                                Hmmm. Some big challenges. Orchestral players who find classical boring, and everyone else hates Metal Machine Music. Maybe we can meet half-way with ReoSpeedForeigner?
                                NO NO NO Poodle Hair
                                they don't really find it "Boring"
                                but that's the word that people say
                                I don't even think that people mean what it means
                                (which is a whole area of linguistic theory that is worth exploring)

