Originally posted by visualnickmos
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Are You A 'New World' Symphony Snob?
Originally posted by Dave2002 View PostI'd say no to this - I had/have some of those Naxos CDs conducted by Gunzenhauser, and IMO the performances and recordings weren't too great. I know that a few reviewers gave them multiple stars, but I never got on with them. Some things on Naxos are very good, but not these Dvorak performances. Try Pesek if you want a cheap set [if it's still available - it is, but no longer so cheap], though there are others. I believe Rowicki is good - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dvorak-Symph...3329425&sr=1-6 though the general recommendation is for Kertesz.
I have tried listening to Number 1 - (not in the Naxos performances) - it's pretty long winded and heavy going, and I had it on for several days in my car, so I did try more than once.
Maybe I should pick up on the recommendation to listen to number 2. There were some recordings of the early symphonies on Chandos - were they with the SNO? I think I had them a long while ago - not sure if they've been lost now due to moves.
Incidentally, I'd just noticed that the version of number 7 by Monteux is available again - very good - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Symphony-No-...329561&sr=1-38
Originally posted by amateur51 View Postthat'll get 'em going cloughie
:puts tin hat on:
Why are you feeling tense , and making errors Ams....?! Please don't feel that you can't share with us!I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.
John Shelton
Originally posted by amateur51 View Postthat'll get 'em going cloughie
:puts tin hat on:
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Worth a dozen New World Symphonies (to quote Arnold Schönberg. Approximately).