Originally posted by salymap
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Also, there was a family interest too, in that I was always aware of 'Hiawatha' as a result of time spent with my grandmother when I was younger - it was referred to in conversation, I think there were vocal scores 'upon the pianoforte' in their Yorkshire home, and she used 'Minnehaha' as a nickname whenever she couldn't instantly summon to mind the name of young ladies in the family - so my sister would sometimes be asked 'come on Minnehaha, lay the table please...' &c.

I was intrigued to work out whether they attended the London shows... but we've worked out that it was more likely to be the performances in Scarborough Open-Air Theatre in Peaseholm Park - the grandparentals usually went over to Scarborough in the summer to spend time with their best friends (who spent a fortnight there every summer - very musical, singers in t'Bradford Choral - their Bechstein grand was left to me and is 3 feet behind me as I type, bless them). I'm sure they would have attended the 'Hiawatha' show/s which I see were on there both in the 30s and after the war.... notably in 1947 as evidenced by this which I found on the internet:

The music, rather like Novello's songs which my granny also loved, seems very quaint to my ears, even more so the words - I'm not tempted to source a recording.
But saly, thank you very much for flagging this one!
