BBC R3 test: How Musical Are You?

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  • french frank
    • Feb 2007
    • 30741

    I'm amazed to discover that I am not alone

    I've always felt I hardly connect at all with music on an emotional plane. It doesn't seem to me to be what music is for. Yet, for others, it's everything. Ah, well ...
    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


    • Bert Coules
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 763

      I'm just trying this now, but I've run aground on the very first test, Group the Music, the one with the coloured squares. When I click on each square I get a very brief snatch of music - rather less than half a second's worth.

      Is that what's supposed to happen? Am I really expected to categorise different sorts of music from mere blips of sound?
      Last edited by Bert Coules; 10-01-11, 19:51.


      • mercia
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 8920

        Originally posted by Bert Coules View Post
        Is that what's supposed to happen?
        Well that's certainly what happened with me which is why I skipped this section.


        • Lateralthinking1

          Yes. Hold on, less than half a second's worth? No. Some of them are very short though.


          • subcontrabass
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 2780

            Originally posted by Bert Coules View Post
            I'm just trying this now, but I've run aground on the very first test, Group the Music, the one with the coloured squares. When I click on each square I get a very brief snatch of music - rather less than half a second's worth.

            Is that what's supposed to happen? Am I really expected to categorise different sorts of music from mere blips of sound?
            Yes. It appears to be testing based on a claim that most people can identify a "genre" after hearing less than half a second. Difficult when most of the so-called "genres" involved are things I never encounter.


            • Bert Coules
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 763

              Thanks for the replies. I've skipped that section.


              • StephenO

                Originally posted by french frank View Post
                I've always felt I hardly connect at all with music on an emotional plane. It doesn't seem to me to be what music is for. Yet, for others, it's everything. Ah, well ...
                That's why some of us love to wallow in Wagner, Mahler and Stauss for hours on end! I haven't done the test yet but I'm expecting Emotional Connection to be the only part where I do well.


                • Lateralthinking1

                  I would have thought everyone listens to urban, ragga, krautrock and alt country.


                  • Eudaimonia

                    V: Well, just because you're insensible to the Dionysian aspects of music doesn't mean that those who are must be equally insensible to the Apollonian. It simply doesn't follow. I've done my time poring over manuscripts and scores at the National Library six hours at a stretch for the sheer pleasure of it--to equate having an emotional response to music with a lack of appreciation for musical structure is just plain misguided.

                    And for what it's worth, I consider your "plenty of time for Tchaikovsky" comment to be gratuitously insulting. Fighting words, even.


                    • Donnie Essen

                      Enthusiasm: 62%
                      Musical Perception: 53%
                      Emotional Connection: 6%
                      Social Creativity: 33%
                      Musical Curiosity: 65%

                      I kinda screwed it up in places. My PC is buggy and draggy with the sound, so I probably shouldn't have done the rhythm one. I had trouble with the placing the genres and when I have trouble with things I get impatient and so I just whacked them in any old way in the end. I think it depends how you conceptualize what you're hearing, what categories you got in your head. If it told me I was listening for a difference between pop and hip-hop, I might've done it differently. I didn't recognise anything there as what I know as hip-hop. Where's the bling? Where's the bitches?

                      I got half a second of sound for the clips. Is that right or not?

                      I do not use music to 'manage' my mood or to motivate myself like it's a tool for self-aid. I don't believe music is for anything. I don't like that notion. So you answer it in your own fashion and it judges you a certain way for it. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate it emotionally. Dumbasses.

                      Regarding some posts here, I don't think it's an either/or regarding emotion or even linked to classical/romantic too much. I feel emotion is at the heart of it, of all of music, but doesn't stop other kinds of appreciation. Some music, I might appreciate more in an emotional sense, others in another sense. But emotion's there in all of it. Got some Haydn playing. Symphonies 98 & 99. It's not necessarily unemotional, I find. See, I'm not crying or nothing, but I ain't sitting here stroking my chin neither.

                      I didn't recognise the person the site described of me either. He sounded like a douchebag I wouldn't wanna know, the type who owns about 10 lame-ass CDs and pounds out a Coldplay song on guitar at every given opportunity.


                      • mercia
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 8920

                        Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                        Is that what I wipe my paintbrushes on?


                        • Lateralthinking1

                          Quote - "If it told me I was listening for a difference between pop and hip-hop" - Those were the two I had problems with. I identified the others clearly but I had in my head the categories "easy listening" instead of "pop" and "funk" instead of "hip-hop". The latter muddled the boundaries a bit. Seeing that the experiment is to honour Mozart, I wonder if classical music is being treated fairly? (hercule - ragga is short for raggamuffin (sic). It is patois.).
                          Last edited by Guest; 10-01-11, 20:15.


                          • Bert Coules
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 763

                            Well, this is how I did:

                            Enthusiasm: 67%
                            Musical Perception: 99%
                            Emotional Connection: 93%
                            Social Creativity: 3%
                            Musical Curiosity: 38%

                            Personally, I would have scored Curiosity much lower and Enthusiasm rather higher, but the test can't determine if someone is very enthusiastic about just a narrow range of music.
                            Last edited by Bert Coules; 10-01-11, 20:28.


                            • James Wonnacott
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 253

                              Better than I expected (for someone with absolutely no musical training): 40 - 55 %
                              The only one I got completely right was the tune at a different pitch.
                              It backs up a post I made the other day- no-one can call me a musical elitist
                              I have a medical condition- I am fool intolerant.


                              • french frank
                                • Feb 2007
                                • 30741

                                Well, I know I shouldn't have answered 'Neither agree nor disagree' to most of the questions, but I was put off by the first question (the 1-second clips which I didn't understand). So:

                                Enthusiasm for music 12%
                                Musical perception 11%
                                Musical curiosity 59% (which I deny, I'm not curious about music at all.)
                                Social creativity (What is it?) 12%
                                Emotional connection 0%

                                Curiously, I did best on Musical memory (10 out of 12)...
                                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

